The Commons Geographic Location in Ambiscade | World Anvil
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The Commons

"So coming up ahead on the left - well, my left - is the commons," Lin said with scripted excitement. The tour guide stopped to let the stragglers of his small group catch up, and continued on meanwhile. "This is just one of many commons in Ambiscade, of course. There are two here on the third level of Axis, but the larger levels have many more scattered about. Great place for a walk, or a picnic, or just watching the world go by."

One of the younger and more outspoken attendees of the tour raised her hand, then proceeded to plow on ahead anyways. "Who keeps these gardens up, then?" She asked, "It seems like it'd be hard to do on a city that, well, moves."

"A marvelous question, thank you!" Lin smiled brightly, "The Botanical Corps is actually in charge of that. They're a rather odd bunch, mostly I've run into them petitioning against the theurgists whenever the city's rotations are changed, something about disturbing the light distribution amongst the plants. Regardless!" the crack of Lin's gloved hands clapping together snapped the tour group to attention, "We've much more to see than some shrubbery, let me take you lovely folks to a countinghouse."


There are 11 total Commons in Ambiscade: one on the fifth level (Cynosure), one on the fourth level (Velkin), two on the third level (Axis), three on the second level (Baldachin), and four on the first level (Pedestal). All are similarly constructed, though they differ in scale and consist of a round swath of grass with a prong extending from two opposing ends, forming the approximate shape of a hurricane. Within each Commons there are smaller gardens, often segmented out by low fences or stone paths, and elaborate waterways usually enhanced by theurgist magic. With the exception of the first level, all the Commons are completely flat.

There is also limited space offered for cropshare programs, which allow for citizens of Ambiscade to rent a small bit of land and use it to grow food, in addition to granting access to communal fruit/veggie gardens. The soil is specially enhanced through both traditional techniques and theurgist tech to encourage the plants to be more fruitful than they would be under normal conditions, so there is little shortage of food despite the small geographic area.

Fauna & Flora

All manner of native and exotic plants can be found in the Commons of Ambiscade. The higher levels are the least diverse, as the plants there must be suited to colder and windier conditions, as well as harsh sunlight. On the lower three levels, however, there is a very high degree of intentional biodiversity within the commons. There are small populations of mammals that were brought in to maintain the ecosystem, but besides them the most common visitors are birds. The plants are sometimes shifted to different areas or between the different Commons, as according to the Botanical Corps the frequent changes to Ambiscade's rotational schedule constantly messes with the health of their beloved plants.
Alternative Name(s)
Ambiscade Public Gardens

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