Urian Character in Amastris | World Anvil
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The Fenstalker Urian

When someone first meets Urian, the oft most commented feature is his eyes—eyes which seem to pierce as sharply as his arrows. Ever the lupine hunter, Urian stalks the wilds with grace and ease, never letting his quarry out of his sight.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With long dark hair, piercing auburn eyes and the scars of battle, Urian gives a menacing appearance. He wears darker clothing to hide in the shadows and foliage of the wilds. He is lithe and sinewy but retains his elven grace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For a Beast Elves , Urian is surely an odd one. He was a precocious child, rarely listening to his elders' orders and often leading himself into trouble. It may have been possible for him to grow into a trickster or jolly soul, yet this was not his destiny. The beast elves despise disobedience and, as such, Urian was cast out of his tribe at a young age.   Urian learned to fight and survive in the harsh thickets of the Sunset Isles by himself until eventually crossing paths with a fledgling mercenary troupe. Urian ironically found himself at peace in the constant turmoil that comprised mercenary life. He bounced from company to company across Amastris, until eventually climbing to the rank of scoutmaster for the Crescent Sun Company based out of his homeland.   Urian earned himself the nickname "The Fenstalker" for spearheading a particularly grueling mission to locate and capture a bandit leader that had fled to The Great Grass Sea in the midst of a harsh wet season.   It is unknown under what circumstances Urian was enrolled into the Cold Con Program. It remains a mystery...even to himself.


Urian spent much of his youth with the Crescent Sun Company, operating at first as a helper but eventually moving up the ranks to apprentice, scout, and eventually, scoutmaster. As scoutmaster, he led a team of eight others in longer distance patrolling and scouting for both food or humanoid prey.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During a particularly gruelling mission in the swamps near the Great Grass Sea, Urian was able to find and capture a notorious bandit. It took a fortnight of hunting, but he eventually brought down the bandit leader. Since then, he was given the honorific of Fenstalker.

Morality & Philosophy

The Fenstalker is a fiercely independent hunter. His officers in the mercenary company often found it difficult to get him to stay in ranks. Urian prefers the freedom to complete his missions in his own way and, as such, is wary of domineering personalities.   However, don't confuse his lack of obedience for a lack of loyalty. He is deeply loyal to his companions and would never turn his back on them.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

He remains standoffish and suspicious of strangers, rarely taking their word at face value, and regularly prying for more information.   Urian also dislikes those he views as unproven warriors—a result of both his beast elf blood and his history with the mercenary life.
Aligned Organization

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