Lizardfolk Species in Amastris | World Anvil
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A beasital race of sapients which inhabit the swamps and jungles of the The Lost Kingdom. The average person may see them as just another species of monster to be eradicated, but that is nothing further from the truth. These reptilian humanoids are a unique example of how to never judge a pond by its surface—they are likely waiting under the waters edge.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk are, anatomically speaking, a fusion of a humanoid and a crocodilian. They are a bipedal tetrapod with a long powerful tail. Some have digitigrade feet, allowing fast movement on dry ground, while others are more adapted to swampy conditions with wide flat feet. Their hips have remarkable flexibility, and they are able to neatly tuck their legs to the side while swimming to reduce drag.   Their non-prehensile tail, which usually makes up about half of their body length, has thick muscles which propel it through the water. However, subspecies which live in drier and more open terrain, have slimmer stiffer tails.   The heads of lizardfolk have powerful jaw muscles that connect to long crocodilian muzzles which can crush even bone in a vice-like grip.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduce sexually and produce a clutch of around six to eight eggs after three months. These eggs are then incubated using body heat, warm water springs, and natural vegetation. Incubation lasts an additional three months before the eggs hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching, lizardfolk cannot walk, see, or actively hunt until about two weeks old. At that point they begin to move more freely, but are still weak and don't stray far from the nest. They do grow rapidly however, and by six months they function similarly to a three year old human child.   When the hatchlings reach two years of age, they begin to learn the roles of the tribe, and by 14 they are considered adults. Lizardfolk reach old age by around 50 and rarely live past 60 years.

Ecology and Habitats

They are almost entirely localized within the jungles and swamps of The Lost Kingdom. As such, they prefer the wet, humid, and swampy climates of the jungles, making settlements and tribes in and near swamps, lagoons, and, marshes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are hyper-carnivores and eat mostly meat. Hunting the small game that is available to them, monkeys, boar, small dinosaurs, and fish are a regular part of their diet. They supplement this diet with various herbs and vegetation.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Largely patriarchal tribal and succession is often decided by right of conquest.


Some have reported seeing lizardfolk taming and using species of dinosaurs as beasts of burden and war. This has not been confirmed yet.

Facial characteristics

Lizardfolk males sometimes have frills which run along the length of the head. These are not common and those with them are treated with great respect.

Average Intelligence

No less intelligent than any other sapient. Refer to culture and taboo.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they have no particularly unique sensory adaptations, they are highly aware of their environments and are rarely caught completely off guard.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Lizardfolk society is extremely sexually stratified. Males are hunters, warriors, and chieftains. Females are brood-makers, crafters, and homemakers. There are no reported exceptions to this. This appears to be tied to their religious beliefs.


The only instance where this norm is challenged is in the event of a hermaphrodite. Due to their reptilian nature, these individuals are more frequently encountered than in other sapients. They are also distinguishable by their albinism which seems to develop in direct conjunction with hermaphroditism. These hermaphrodites or "izbranny", are treated with both fear and respect. They often take the role of priest or shaman for a tribe and can wield significant influence if they are smart enough to know when and how to kowtow to the chieftain.

Average Technological Level

Very low when compared to other sapients. There is a significant cultural taboo against intelligence and technological advancement. Lizardfolk can make shelters, weapons, and tools, but little else.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Lizardfolk speak a dialect of draconic and are capable of speaking most other languages if given the opportunity to learn.

Common Taboos

Lizardfolk despise higher intelligence and almost refuse to learn anything beyond whether something is a threat, edible, or usable. Some interactions suggest that they are capable of understanding higher concepts but just refuse to do so on principle.


Little is known of their history as a species, as they have only recently made contact with the outer world. Additionally, the lizardfolk have a cultural taboo against intelligence and higher learning which makes ethnographic study extremely difficult.

Common Myths and Legends

The lizardfolk follow their creator god, Semuanya. "Semuanya is the unemotional and amoral reptilian ideal. Neither good nor evil, neither chaotic nor lawful, Semuanya merely exists and existence is its purpose. Live long, reproduce, ensure the safety of yourself and the race; this is the entire creed of Semuanya. Nothing else is of real importance, unless it bears directly on survival and propagation." (Semuanya,   "In the days of legend, the lizardfolk deity Semuanya lived with its mate Kekuala in the great Bog of Semuanya. Over time, Kekuala became more and more distracted by abstract and cerebral matters, until ultimately the god split into two entities: male and female. These two were the first mortal lizardfolk." (Kekuala,
Scientific Name
Draco Lactera
60 years
Conservation Status
Unknown. Presumed Least Concern
Average Height
5'10" - 7"
Average Weight
200 lbs - 300 lbs
Average Physique
Very hardy and often well muscled.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Colouration is highly varied and develops in the egg, based on natural vegetation.
Geographic Distribution

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