Hurlock Species in Amastris | World Anvil
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CW: Articles regarding Darkspawn do contain written descriptions of graphic violence and body horror imagery. Some may find the content disturbing. Discretion is advised.

These bloodthirsty human-like creatures are the most common subspecies of Darkspawn seen by common folk. Known for their tenacious tactics and soul-rending smiles, these beasts strike terror in the bravest of souls.   There are also more formidable variants known as alphas. Alphas are stronger, smarter, and often carry more durable weapons; these cunning brutes can bring a pack of routing hurlocks back into the fight.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Day 12: Observation of specimens has yielded fascinating results. After a fortnight, the four specimens have stopped trying to attack us and have begun to attack each other - a remarkable discovery! The hurlocks targeted the smallest individual first. They did not strike with their fists but used their claws and fangs to rip the runt apart. They proceeded to eat their kill and when they finished stripped the bones and appear to be making crude tools and display items. Observation will continue as normal.   From the journal of Praeceptor Alexius Guilnius

Additional Information

Social Structure

Alphas will lead bands of hurlocks when available. However, hurlocks tend to outnumber alphas nearly 50:1 and, as such, will either descend into a mindless raging mob or submit to the largest member of the pack. Submission to the chosen hurlock often leads to the formal transition into an alpha.

Facial characteristics

Hurlocks resemble humans but lack many humanizing characteristics. For example, they lack hair of any kind, leaving their bodies completely bald. Their skin often has a slimy rotten look to it, with open infected cuts and ragged scars. Their most noticeable and disturbing quality is their lipless fanged grin. This psychotic smirk rarely leaves their faces—even when feasting upon their victims.   Alphas retain much of the same qualities as their kin. However, the skin around their skull is much more sunken in, which leaves a grisly skull visage. This appearance is made more disturbing by the impression that its long fangs seem to merge directly into its skull.

Average Intelligence


Capable of setting and executing ambushes and traps. They wordlessly understand and follow orders given by alphas.


Has parity with average humans. When in command of lesser kin, they are known to coordinate and lead effective squad tactics. They apply ambushes, decoys, lures, and search missions with modest skill.


It has been theorized that the emissary is a "culmination" of hurlock development. Extremely intelligent and capable of speech but no less physically weaker. These powerful spellcasters are the leaders of hundreds of darkspawn. Emissaries can create complex tactical and strategic decisions. Facing one of these apex darkspawn is a challenge that few care to take.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like all darkspawn, they are fully capable of seeing in total darkness. Hurlocks have been noted to use their sense of smell when hunting down survivors of raids.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sometimes referred to by common folk as "Smilers", "Grinning Death", or simply as "Darkspawn".

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Hurlocks appear unable or unwilling to speak any known language. They appear able to understand each other by some means of telepathy or psionics. However, no divination or mind-reading magic has given any insight into how this telepathy or psionics is done. Some alphas are known to gargle out simple words but it is unclear if there is any higher meaning to this.   The exception to these otherwise non-verbal creatures is the further developed hurlock emissary, who are fully capable of speaking the common tongue with proficiency.

Common Dress Code

They are typically seen with bladed weapons and metal armour. The alphas are sometimes seen with great-axes and sterner armour.

Hurlock CR: 1/2

Medium monstrosity (darkspawn), neutral evil
Armor Class: 17 (Breast plate, shield)
Hit Points: 15hp (2d8+6) 2d8+6
Speed: 30 ft


17 +3


13 +1


16 +3


9 -1


12 +1


5 -3

Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: Poison
Senses: Darkvision 60ft. Passive Perception 11
Languages: Understands Common but does not speak
Challenge Rating: 1/2

Reckless Attack: As a bonus action the hurlock can take advantage on all its attacks. However, all attacks against the hurlock also gain advantage. This effect lasts until the start of the hurlock's next turn.


Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) Slashing

The common foot soldier of Blight and the Darkspawn
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Average Height
5'6" - 6' 1"
Average Weight
160lbs - 210lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Body colouration varies to a small degree, ranging from pallid grey to moldy green. Evidence of scarification has also been observed in hurlock corpses. The alphas have almost uniformly vibrant, bloody scarlet colouration.
Geographic Distribution

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