Trail 3} Pequie and Jael in Amalgama | World Anvil

Trail 3} Pequie and Jael

Pequie played by Deku, Jael played by Roj
A rustle of leaves filled the forest with life as a small child focused intently on capturing the elusive and dangerous wasp. They probably shouldn't do this, but hey, they're 6 and don't know any better. Pequie moved to capture it as it stung them, leaving its stinger in the wound. A few brown tears hit the forest floor, then a few more, then Pequie was reduced to a sobbing mess on the trail.
Jael was just aimlessly floating about, swirling around trees and going to the tops. This entertained them for a little bit, but they were soon met with immense boredom. The trail of dirt beside them drew curiousity, and the ghost wondered what it led to. Hm. A small road. How “quaint”, Jael thought. Their mind was interrupted when they heard what sounded to be wailing. Was it an animal?   This did fill their chest with worry, their metaphorical heart sinking into their metaphorical stomach. It sounded so shrill, almost. They didn’t like it.   Jael quickly floated in the direction, not fearing for death. They were already dead, what would it do? Suck them into a spirit-y box or whatever it’s called? Not like a group of 4 would arrive anytime soon, anyways. With their stupid machines. Oh, crap, monologuing. Anyways-   They sighed upon seeing a child hunched up and sobbing. Concern. That was the only thing that came upon seeing this. Trust me, they wouldn’t care if it were an adult.   They calmly collected themselves, going over to the loud being and clearing their “throat”.   “What’s the matter?” Their voice sounded ghostly (ba-DUM-tsss) and had an echo, or reverb. Whatever, same difference. “Are you lost, little one?”
Pequie didn't look up at Jael. "N-No... Ise bug hunting... But I hurt myself." They sobbed some more, wiping their usually bright and happy eyes with the sleeve of their non injured hand.
”Bug hunting?” Jael repeated, as though it bewildered them. They thought back to when they were alive, pausing for a quick second before shaking their head.   Jael got down next to the small troll, attempting to ruffle Pequie’s hair and grumbling when their hand did nothing but phase through.   They moved to in front of the child, holding out a hand. “I don’t think I can help physically. But, would talking help?”
They looked up at Jael finally, gasping as their eyes widened. This person... Was purple? And see through? The injury seeming obsolete to the bewildered troll, Pequie stared in awe. "Wha... Why're you glowing? Are you a fairy?"
Jael couldn’t help but burst out laughing at that. It was so precious. Though, they didn’t want to scare them. So? “Yes, little one. I am a fairy,” they lied, placing themselves down on the ground. Normally they wouldn’t tell children such fake news, as they aren’t dumb and deserve to know the truth. But, they had a feeling it’d make their day.
Pequie's slack jaw turned into a wide smile. "A fairy! A fairy!" They cheered excitedly. They'd never seen a fairy before! They jumped up and down with delight, splashing mud onto the moss-covered log behind them.
Jael smiled as they watched the youngling prance around in delight, feeling happy with themself. They gently grabbed Pequie’s shirt, wiping the child’s cheek softly. “You’re quite dirty now.” Yes, they could touch objects but not humans or Trolls; animals, etc . It was weird, and it did take a lot of willpower.   “Do you have any parents?” They asked, their voice soft and soothing.
Pequie thought about it, contemplating what they should say. They decided to tell the truth, this person couldn't be as bad as the bad man that told them they didn't matter. After all, they were a fairy! Fairies can't be bad, right? "I don't have parents. Or a lusus. I've never seen a grownup before..."
What?! their eyes widened as they heard that and they felt an anger well up inside them. Jesus, just how many fucking kids have to deal with this bullshit? they asked themself, stretching out their wing and attempting to pat the small kid’s head.   “You haven’t?”
Pequie nodded solemnly. "Ise aposed to die in the trials... I didn't make it out." They lowered their head. They didn't like talking about that part.
”Hm..” Jael rose a brow, crossing their arms neatly and occasionally stroking the feathers around their neck. “And I’m assuming you don’t know the way out of this forest?”
They raised their head up once more to look at Jael's pretty purple feathers. "I'm not allowed to leave." They said the sentence very calm and even, focused on Jael's glow.
”You’re..not?” Jael asked, a sinking feeling pooling into their chest. They crossed their arms, “but I thought you said you’ve never seen an adult and don’t have a lusus.”
Pequie's happy demeanor returned. They shuffled their left foot through the dirt on the trail. "And it's true! Never ever seen anythin like that, promise. I live with somethin else!"
”Uh?” Well. Consider them officially creeped out. They’re a ghost and they’ve scared people quite a few times, is this how they felt?   “Do you know their name? Are they even..A troll or human? Hell, are they a ghost?”
The bronzeblood giggled. "His name is Kionni! He takes good care of me. You don't need to worry, mister miss fairy! Although, he doesn't do a very good job of stopping me from eating worms and those weird kinds of berries that make my cheeks look all brown and puffy..."
Jael narrowed their non-existent eyes, ruffling the feathers that were ‘round their neck and brushing their wings just a bit. “Call me Mx.Fairy, or Jael, I don’t care- anyways, mind taking me to him? If you don’t want to, that’s fine.”
Pequie nodded excitedly. "Yesyesyes! I can do that! Follow me, Mx. Fairy!" They attempted to grab Jael's hand, but their tiny hand phased right through. Pequie looked like they were about to cry at this, whining like a puppy.
”Nonono, it’s okay. Please, don’t cry,” Jael pleaded. “It’s okay.” They wished they could show a physical smile, but instead they just pretended to pat Pequie’s head. “I know. I hate it, too.”
Their sad expression quickly morphed into a determined one. "I'll find a way around it, just you wait!! But first, I gotta get you to see Kee! He's the best at finding ways to fix things!" The little troll was sure resilient. Almost scarily so. They pointed in a direction away from the trail, towards a different route that they had memorized. It led to home, where Kionni would no doubt be waiting for Pequie.
Jael nodded, “and you’re sure Kionni won’t mind me just coming in? I know I’d be upset if some random fairy burst into my house with my kid.”
"Yes! I bring home strange friends all the time. He doesn't mind one bit!" Pequie grinned. "I think he'll be just as excited as I am to meet a real live fairy!"
They..really shouldn’t have told the kid that they were a fairy. What the hell did fairies even do? Giggle and spread magical dust? Jael couldn’t do that. Not at all, obviously.   They were dead, not some little thing that’ll grant wishes or some shit. “Hopefully. He seems nice, I guess.”
Pequie didn't know what fairies did either, but they did know they were supposed to be good. And they glowed. So instead of talking more about that issue, they bounced off in the direction of their little shack in the forest, counting on Jael to follow behind.
Shit. They “ran” after the small being, really hoping the little one wouldn’t notice how Jael would phase through things instead of just simply avoiding them like any alive person would. It certainly was a lot of work, luckily the ghost didn’t get fatigued very easily.   No, they didn’t really use their wings. They’re just kind of there? Jael didn’t even know why they have these useless things in the first place. Not like they’re an angel or some shit.
To be Continued...


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