Owen's Apartment 1} Owen and Jarv in Amalgama | World Anvil

Owen's Apartment 1} Owen and Jarv

Owen played by Kiwi, Jarv played by Marcy
He walked through the city with Jarv quickly making his way back to his apartment. He hummed as he walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. He opened the door and looked at Jarv. "me casa su casa or some shit like that" he chuckled.
"Huh?" Jarv had no idea what he just said or what it meant. So he would give Owen a very confused look, he probably had to look upwards to do that seeing as he was a smaller then average man standing at 5,7. Well... Trolls were always taller then him.
"A spanish saying or somthing, I don't know my friend is Hispanic but she doesn't even speak spanish so she doesn't say it right. it means like my house is your house. anyway come in please" She shrugged and chuckled
"Oh. Okay." Jarv would join in the the chuckle, sounding just as hoarse as he was when he first chuckled. He would still have very wary eyes like a hunted animal. He kept his hands in his pockets and slid his way into the apartment. Looking around for anything that looked out of place.
Owen shut and locked the door before pointing to the couch "Feel free to sit, Do you want anything to eat?" He asked moving in the direction of his kitchen
Jarv would crash onto the couch and would let out a groan. He would take off his bag but kept it close to himself. He did keep his left hand close to his blade however, because he didn't quite trust him yet.   "Please... Just don't poison me... That would be very unfortunate." Jarv would say this in a deadpan tone as turned on his palmhusk. It was a violet colored one... It looked neat. Probably a gift.
Owen looked over at him and snorted "Woah dude why the fuck would I poaisn you, nah. I'll get you a fucking sandwhich." he walked into the kitchen quickly making him a ham and cheese sandwhich. he walked back in and held out the plate to him.
Jarv would gingerly pick up the plate and treated it like a bomb. He then would brandish his switchblade like shortsword and then would throw it up. The blade would unfold in the air into a decent sized shortsword and then Jarv would grab the handle. He then would slice the sandwich in half diagonally.   "I like my sandwich cut." Jarv would say that with the same energy as he had said before. He didn't really think about the little trick scaring the host. He saw trolls do this all the time at parties.
Owen yelped and jumped back almost falling on his ass, "holy SHIT you scared the fucking everything outta me, god if you wanted it cut you should have just asked ahaha" he chuckled nervously making sure he didn't fall over.
"Didn't want to bother you." Jarv would say this as be began to eat very slowly. It didn't taste like poison so Jarv felt he was fine. He would simply flip the blade back into its hiding place and then would put it back into his pocket.   "My name is..." Jarv pondered if he should be truthful or not but hey... It didn't seem Owen would know many things about troll drama.   "Jarv Thrend. You have a lovely hive... House?"
"Nah aparment" he chuckled sitting in the chair beside the couch. "Thanks I'm Owen, Owen Harper." He leaned over and held his hand out for Jarv.
"You'd think I wouldn't forget that..." A shake of his head and a shake of Owen's hand. He then would turn on that smile that always seemed to charm the highbloods and would say in a soft voice.   "Its a pleasure to meet you Owen. And it is wonderful that you are letting me rest here for a second." A firm squeeze of his hand and then back to the sandwich.
Owen shrugged "I guess ya gotta do karma good every now and then, and you seemed like you needed some good karma," he chuckled softly and tapped his hand on the armrest. "My sibbling isn't home right now but if they do come home let's just pretend were friends. They don't really like it when I bring strangers home....and I have a bad track record"
"Yeah, we know each other from... we don't actually have to flesh that out yet. But I can work with anything you throw down." Jarv would nod at this, he wondered how his own brother is doing. He worried about the poor guy, but he had Jarv's best friend to watch over him. "So, question. You do this a lot? help people out?"
Owen chuckled softly and waved his hand "I can make a story up all you gotta do is follow along and uh I don't know I wouldnt say I help people a lot, just like sometimes" Owen shrugged.
"Oh okay." Jarv would then start to lightly tap his fingers across his thigh. He wasn't used to someone being so... nice to him. It was strange thing and kind of hard to get used to. "So, any questions for me?"
"Why do you look like you got hit by a fucking car?" Owen snorted and chuckled "Sorru that was mean I'm just wondering how you ended up lik ethis"
"Oh no, It makes perfect sense to word it like that." Jarv would chuckle with Owen, finding the car comment extremely funny. "Lack of sleep and when I do sleep, its a dark dusty underground tunnel." Jarv would say the last sentance with a deadpan tone, like he was remembering why he was down there again.
Owen frowed "Dam dude that fucking sucks, do you not have a house or somthing?" Owen looked really concerned. He knew what it felt like. to live in a box on the street staving to death. How it felt to shiver and be unable to escape the rain.
"Can't go back to it." Jarv would keep it vague, he had too mostly because he didn't want to wrap Owen up in his big ole issue. Jarv was very, very, new to this however and did not actually really like not living in a nice house. To feel the sea breeze on his face... it was something he missed like it was drug.
He leaned against the chair and frowned. He looked really sad. "Fuck dude I'm sorry, so you've just been living out in the wild and shit?" Owen rubbed his arm
"Mostly underground. Its been a while since I've been in the sun." Jarv would frown and then look off into the distance. He did really miss being out in open air, that was what he was doing walking up on the surface. And he felt terrible.
"What happened with your home?" Owen asked frowning harder.
"Nothing happened to it... I just can't go back." A strain in his voice would tell Owen this was a little bit sensitive topic.
Owen looked at him. He wasn't really one to know when to stop, "why can't you go back?"
"I killed someone okay. I did that, but they attacked my brother and I... You know? I... I couldn't let them kill him." Jarv would then finally begin to cry. All that time in the dark really fucked with him.
Owen watched him for a second silently. He didn't want to speak and upset Jarv any further but he also didn't want to stay silent. "I'm sorry Jarv" was all he said before he leaned back into his chair
"Its fine... You don't need to say sorry." Jarv would say this through his sobs and desperately tried to get them too stop. He didn't like crying in front of others. It always made him feel bad.
Owen got up and quickly got him a box of tissues. he handed him the box. "here," He tried not to look, because he felt terible for him.
Jarv would take the tissues and then would wipe his eyes. He felt terrible... Just god awful but he didn't feel bad for doing what he did. He had to protect his brother and he rather be on the run then have to pay for flowers at his funeral.   "Thank... You..."
"Don't mention it." Owen sat back down. "I get it, I would do anything for Ovie." He looked at the coffee table "If somthing happened to them I don't- I don't know what I'd do" Owen chewed on the inside of his cheek
"I... I am going to get some rest." Jarv would then take off his shoes and then would curl up on the couch. His body still trembling from the sobs but his face turned away from Owen, so he didn't have to stare at him.
Owen covered him up before leaveing the room to give him some space.
Eventually, Jarv would fall into a dreamless slumber and would enjoy finally being able to sleep.
later Owen was with his sibling in the kitchen as they spoke softly to each other. Ovie seemed annoyned with Owen at the moment as they said "Owen you are a really bad liar"
Jarv would stumble awake, how long had he been asleep, where was he and... Oh.   His mind started to put the pieces together of what happened the day before. He would hear speaking from the kitchen and decided to go at least say hello before he left.   Jarv walked with barely any sound and would eventually greet the pair in the kitchen.   "Good morning or evening Owen. And I'm assuming your Ovie, its pleasure to meet you."
The pair jumped when Jarv spoke and Ovie grabbed a fucking frying pan and held it out. After they realized it was just the guy sleeping on their couch they lowered it."haha morning" Owen said as Ovie rolled their eyes and pat Owen.   "Yes that's me, I have to get ready for work," they put the frying pan on the counter and left the room walking through a door that was probobly (it was) their room
"Heh, your brothers an interesting fellow." Jarv would laugh at what happened. Frying pans were Good weapons and could knock someone out with ease.   "Anyway, I can leave if you need me too." Jarv would answer that as he would sit down on the chair to speak with Owen. His hands were out of his pockets, so it seemed he trusted Owen.
Owen followed him and sat down too. "You can stay, Ov will get over it" He chuckled softly, and leaned back "I don't mind if you stay a little longer, maybe you can like shower or something get clean and shit before going back out into the great unknown,"
"Thanks man... So what was the lie you tried to sell him?" Jarv would chuckle at this and his laugh would sound a lot better... Not sleeping on a ground will do that to you
"Ovie's nonbinary so they are a they by the way, but I basically said you were an old friend" He snorted and rubbed the back of his neck "They are wayyyyy to smart to fall for my lies"
"Oh sorry." Jarv hated to misgender people and now felt shitty about that.   "Well they seem very smart, so I guess they would see through that. Did they have Anything to say on me?" Jarv would put his chin into his hand as he waited a response.
"They just said that I should be more careful and their right, also it's okay you didn't know." Owen waved his head "I told them you needed somewhere to stay for a bit and we both get what it's like to be on the streets so they aren't gonna kick you out or anything"
"That is... Thank you I'm not used to this kindness." Jarv was humbled and would just stare into the counter.   "If you have any questions about me, flap your squawk box I suppose." He would answer most questions, some he wouldn't and would either shut down or lie about.
Owen nodded "Yeah no dude don't worry about it," He gave Jarv a look and chuckled, "So squak box, heh. Strange words come from you and I like em." He thought for a minuete "What kind of hobbies do you have other than cutting sandwhiches with iuh swords."
"I used to play yugioh competitively. I got really good at it, not like nationals level but good enough... But that was before the merge so..." Jarv would begin to think and wouldn't respond for a bit.   "Used to model... I read books... Went to parties to watch after my brother... Went to social events... Flarped once or twice." Jarv would shrug, he hasn't actually thought on his hobbies in a while.
Owen looked interested. he didn't have a whole lot of hobbies one of them was actually....organizing silver-where. "Woah cool, you really seem like a guy to know"
"I guess so... I was kind of popular at the beginning of the merge and I just kind of stayed around in the same group till I was gone." Jarv said this simply, it was the truth and... He did miss it a bit... But nonetheless, he still did what he had to do.   "And before you ask... No, I didn't end up around fellow humans. I was placed right in the middle of a violet blood neighborhood."
"wow odd, both humans and trolls live in this complex but I don't think any highbloods do," He shrugged "When the merge happened it was a little crazy for me and my sib but we mananged,"
"I was lucky. Me and my brother were both viewed as people of interest then prey." Jarv had survived with his brother on only luck and cleverness. Well... A bit of brute force to.   "But yeah, I understand how crazy it was for other people."
He nodded "good on you guys" he chuckled "Yeah it was bad, reallly bad" He shook his head "uh I don't really want to ta;k about the merge though its a little bit of a tough spot ya know" He looked at the coffee table and shuttered
"Sorry Owen. Uh... throw another question at me I guess? We can get off that topic." Jarv would say this as he studied Owen, he then would try to figure out what he could say... but decided that staying on the question thing would be better.
"It's alright it's a;right" He rubbed his arm and hummed "Welllll hmmm what's your brother like?" Owen asked and leaned back in his seat again
"Soundcloud rapper. Crazy guy... really likes his parties." Jarv would chuckle and then remember having to save his brother from many crazy things... and that would cause him to sigh. "One time, he was certain he could do a... kick flip? Off a roof and into a pool and then tried to go off the wrong side of the roof."
Owen laughed "Dude I love your brother! I pull that kinda shit alll the timmeeeee" He smiled and snorted "Not a soundcloud rapper though"
"Yeah... Yeah. Nate's a crazy one. No idea where he got it from though but... I hope he's doing alright." Jarv would stare off into the distance and sigh again. He then would look back and say. "Can I get a cup of water."
Owen nodded "Oh yeah dude of course!" He hopped up and went into the kitchen "heh I was actually going to make breakfast so I'll get that started too." He got Jarv his cup of water and then went back into the kitchen to start cooking
Jarv would drink the glass of water slowly and then would ask him. "So what are you making?" Jarv would be interested in the breakfast... mostly because his belly was rumbling.
"Bacon and scrambled eggs" He hummed to himself. Ovie walked back out of their room and looked at Jarv for a moment "I have to go in early today Owen I'll see you later. Love you bye!!" Owen looked back at them "Love you too sib!!" They left and owen quickly made beakfast. He walked back in the livingroom with two plates and handed one to Jarv
Jarv would grab the plate and grab a fork and spoon. He would eat slowly and would wipe his face with a... violet handkerchief, it was some how still clean after all of this. And why did Jarv try to be fancy? Weird fancy small man. "It tastes good Owen."
Owen smiked "I'm glad! I like cooking so" He shrugged and started to eat his own food as well "Normaly I make food for Ovie and I but early work and all, and I wasn't gonna not feed ya" He chuckled
"Well I thank you... Its really good..." Jarv was happy with the food and all of this... it was really helping him. Being able to calm down... and eat food. And some sleep. It was doing wonderful work for him.
Owen finished his food and stretched before getting up and taking his plate to the kitchen. He washed it off and the silverwhere and put them both away.
"I wonder if Nate is okay... Gog..." Jarv would frown and then put his head down. Then there would be an audible smack as Jarv just slapped himself hard.   "Ow! Yeah... That got me off of that train of thought." Jarv would get off the table and clean his face with the handkerchief.
Owen watched him from the kitchen and frowned. He walked back in and sat down. He didnt want to say anything to get him back on the train of thought but watching him do that also made him want to mention it. He decided to not talk about that "so how much longer do you plan on staying?" He hummed "no rush or anything just curious, because if you wanted to stay longer I could put up a blow up mattress in the office.
"I don't want to stay here long... Not Because you aren't a good host, you are wonderful but... I don't want you both getting involved." Jarv would say this with a sigh, as much as he wanted to stay... He didn't want to hurt the both.
Owen nodded slowly and looked at the wall "I wish I could do more for you Jarv, but if you ever need somewhere to go I can give you my handle and you can message me, I'll come get you some food and stuff,"
"Yeah... CrypticPejurer. That's my handle... And I'm not going to ask you to bring food to me... You have already done so much." Jarv would shake his head and then begin to tap on the side of the cup of water.   "Thank you so much... I'm not used to saying that... It feels so utterly... Alien."
Owen typed it into his phone quickly, "Look if you need anything I am always happy to help please you can text me if you need something. I'm guidedObliteration by the way." He looked at Jarv "You're welcome and heh well everything has a first am I right."
"You are right. Well... I guess I'm used to everyone trying to do everything for their own interest. Never met someone who didn't till you... So thank you." Jarv would type down his handle and would have a small smile.
Owen smiled too, "Hey you gotta put good out in the world," He sat there for a second, "Don't mention it and, hey I'd like it if you came back some time,"
"Hmm... Well... Sure. But I can't make it a habit. I don't want that violet blood to start checking around here." Jarv would look into the cup of water and would keep on sipping it. He needed all of the food he could get, because soon enough he'll be back down there... In the catacombs.   "You are a rarity Owen. Keep being kind."
Owen nodded, "And you keep living Jarv, good luck out there okay,"
"Thanks. And will do!" Jarv would then place the empty cup in the sink and then grab his stuff. He would then be gone, the only trace of him being the blanket on the couch and the unlocked door. [container:trolling]Scene End


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