Market 4} Emma and Zydeca in Amalgama | World Anvil

Market 4} Emma and Zydeca

Emma played by Mist, Zydeca played by Orange
its was a pretty ordinary evening in the market, well ordinary since the merge that happened a while back. Most of the fighting had calmed down between humans and troll, now a days it could been seen as peaceful! Kinda.   Emma sat quietly at one of the small snack tables that littered around the market for people to sit down and enjoy they're time at the market. It was getting late, the sun was setting as most of the humans left the area so they didn't have to be around the inflex of trolls that would start to show up in the later hours. Emma stayed behind with a couple of more braver humans that didn't really care about the more rough species, well emma kinda cared because she wasnt that brave but she just had to stay around because soon the weird clown church would come to a end and emma would have a opportunity to sketch the whimsical clown trolls that gave emma boat loads of inspiration for her art!. emma hummed to herself as she thought about a new puppet to make
Zyd was out, earlier than it liked to be. It had a job to handle, later in the night, a parcel to pass along to one of the members of the church. The clowns always freaked it out, and it strayed away from too many of their dealings, but the money was good and Zyd's morals were weak. There was some show they were going to run, they went on like that sometimes, and that would be plenty enough cover to pass the package along.   For now, though, it was sitting at a slightly sticky table, trying to keep awake. Holding a bag of pistachios, it decided to try and test out its psionics a little more. Nothing too powerful, nothing too potentially dangerous, just shelling a pistachio. No big deal. It just had to focus...   The pistachio exploded, its shell pinging off across the market at blinding speeds.
Ow!   emma yelped as she felt something small and hard hit her in the back of her head at a ridiculous fast speed that would be normal for a shell being thrown at. Emma pouted and looked over at her companion that was sitting in the chair next to her, a bright yellow puppet with dark blue hair and overalls.   Did you see that Bobby?   someone shot a shell at you Emma, turn around and maybe you'll see the person who did it?   the brightly colored human talked to the puppet as if it was alive, giving it its own voice with a creepy amount of skill as the yellow puppets voice sound nothing like hers and the lips on emma face didn't seem to move at all?   Emma turned her head and looked around to see if she could find the person but failed, turning her head to return to her work.   Sorry bobby, maybe it was a accident?
It was entirely unconcerned with whatever damages it may have caused, having already laid another pistachio down on the table. Being able to blast a wide range was barely useful, and it had heard stories of fellow goldbloods with such finely tuned psionics that they could wield multiple weapons with ease.   And Zyd couldn't shell a pistachio.   It had to try again, though, now with its glasses off, the tiniest sparks of psionic power popping around its head. It cracked... Slowly, gently... it was opening. It was opening! In Zyd's excitement, however, it all just blew up again, launching the shards of pistachio all over the place. Fuck.
eye widen as she felt her back being assaulted by about 50 pistachio shards, emma sighed in frustration as she hang her head down low, she just wanted to sketch the purple blood who hangout near by after they're church service!.   Hey! Bozo! Maybe be more careful with your powers? Your making a mess!   bobby the puppet yelled out over Emma shoulder as it was now standing on Emma lap with her hand up a slit in his back, its was odd how life like the doll was as Emma head shot up in embarrassment as her felted friend spoke out for her.   Bobby! d don't cause problems, your gonna get us in trouble acting like that!   does it look like i care?
Zyd glanced up at the puppet, entirely weirded out by the human next to it. Whatever, those purples were arriving already, to do their creepy clown dances and talk about carnivals or some shit. Maintaining eye contact with the... puppet... it drew out another pistachio.   Not even trying to shell it or anything, all it wanted to do was blast it in the direction of that creepy little fucker. Not that a pistachio could do any major damage in the worst of times, unless it hit someone in the eye, and puppets don't have eyes. Turns out none of that mattered, though, because of course Zyd missed, and the pistachio crumbled to pieces in the air.
Hhahahha! Maybe with some practice in a few years you could start shelling peanuts!   bobby heckled at zydeca with a loud laugh, its body shaking as it gave a hardy laugh towards the yellow blooded troll. Emma felt into the background as she tried to ignore her friends jokes and focused with her sketching know that her purple muses where here and ready to unknowingly inspire the colorful but somehow extremely forgettable human woman.   the creepy puppet continued to heckle the yellow blood troll for about 3 minutes, its mannerisms making it extremely life like to the point one could forget he was nothing but cloth and stuffing.   ahhh, thst was funny, sorry for my rude behavior, ive been needing to work on my anger issues Come! Come! Sit down with us! God know Emma could use the social interaction! Hehehe!   bobby said as he calmed down and squished his face into a smile, emma muttering a shut up at bobby as she continued her work.
What was this girl, some kinda clown? And what was with the puppet thing going on, was it some kind of weird lusus relationship? Whatever, Zyd wasn't here to put up with it. Chomping down on more pistachios, it started thinking of responses to the puppet's hurled insults, and almost cracked enough to start slinging it back, but it needed to keep a low profile for this job. As time went on, a respect gradually grew for its felt adversary, and hey. The contact wouldn't come out until after the show, Zyd had time.   So, sure, it put its glasses back on, picked up the bag of pistachios, made sure its bag was on, and walked on over across the market. Not that any of the purplebloods cared, they were absolutely entranced in their completely nonsensical performance. It took a seat across from the girl and puppet, plopping its pistachios down on the table to keep eating them.   "SO what's the deal with the puppet," it said flatly, looking at the human. Were they all like this? It hadn't met too many of them, but that Owen guy just had a brother or something, and most others seemed to be puppet-less. Maybe she had the puppet in lieu of a 'sibling'? Or something like that.
Bobby, hes my friend.   emma muttered as she continued to sketch one of the purple blood that where a few tables away from the two of them, focusing on they're makeup with much detail that the human could when one of their arms was being used for a loud cocky puppet.   yeah! And bobby DOESN'T like being talked in the third person, if you got something to say to me, say it to my face!   bobby said with a firm stare at zydeco, anger could be seen in his unblinking dead eyes but that soon change as bobby laughed again and patted the yellow blood on the back with his long tube arms.   so where you from champ? You a alt or a b4? Also what do you think of that? Im trying to get b4s and alts to be a thing! Much more easier to remember! Tho i guess i gotta come up with something for earth so people dont get jealous!.   the yellow puppet bladdered as he scratched his head with a arm emma would lift up with a thin black stick, her commitment to the bit was impressive as bobby become the focus point of the two and emma was left of a backdrop.
Zydeca tried its best to ignore the puppet, while simultaneously holding a certain level of respect for the commitment. "YOu know who I'm talking to, you, with the drawings." It didn't bother answering the question about what planet it was from, what was it to her? Or the puppet, for that matter. Its business was its own, after all.   Those purplebloods sure were enthralled, cavorting about their little clearing, and Zyd couldn't get a good look at who its contact might be. It had completely given up on shelling the pistachios, and was just chomping away at the whole thing. It was extremely loud, as far as chewing went.
To be Continued...


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