fandomloveRr + jestersKnight in Amalgama | World Anvil

fandomloveRr + jestersKnight

jestersKnight played by Clover, fandomloveRr played by SoperPlanet
jestersKnight [JK] has begun pestering fandomloveRr [FR].
FR: :<
FR: that is quite mean, you know! I will let you know this handle is VERY GOOD.
FR: of course, when I am trying to have a nice time with my morail, some one like you comes along.
FR: besides, there are way worse handles out there
FR: this was not very pog champ of you, btw.
FR: actually, I do use reddit.
I have used and still use basicly every text based medium, its sort of my thing
FR: and besides, you come at me saying my chum handles lame, while your rocking one of the most basic typing quirks?
FR: I have seen atleast 2000 trolls by now with that "all capital" thing, it's pretty basic
JK: GOG, I CAN SMELL THE BODY SPRAY AND MOUNTAIN DEW JK: and dont diss the quirk, Jackass, I could kick your ass to africa or whatever it's called
FR: Africa doesnt exist anymore, idiot.
FR: and I would never drink mountain dew! I tried it once and it was quite bad. Dont know what the fuss is about or why human gamers had such an obsession, or well, where said to have such an addiction of the overly sweet drink.
JK: diss mountain dew one more time and im gonna fucking track you down like a hounddog and tear you to pieces
FR: though I doubt you could I will respect your opinion, mostly because I really dont care enough to continue an arguement about a drink which I've only had once. FR: it is ironic though, how you called me out, saying you could smell the mountain due from me.
FR: I must ask, though, was the mountain dew stench from you?
JK: ...touche
JK: you arent as "cringe" as i thought :)
FR: its nice to hear that, really. Perhaps that one human saying, "dont judge a book by its cover" could be applied to this conversation for both sides
FR: I thought you would have been one of those stereotypical bullie you see in tv, but you dont seem to be as bad as I originally assumed
JK: oh, you thought i was serious? i was only Kidding around, yKnow!
JK: sometimes it doesnt translate well to text because you cant hear my voice
JK: and having some random ass troll telling you that you sucK maybe isn't a good looK hahahaaaa
FR: oh, yeah i guess so. i mean, that type of opener could work depending on what you wanted to get out of that exchange.
FR: must admit that this conclusion is a.. bit of a shame? i mean like, maybe im just desperate, but i thought there was a possibility of a kissmisitude there. I really should stop watching all of these romance dramas back to back!
FR: speaking of dramas, i must ask, have you been watching any shows recently? I could give you a few suggestions if you want. or we could talk about something you want too, really i am open to suggestions!
JK: Kismesis isn't hard to thinK about if ya hang around me too much hahahaaaa!
JK: all the fangirls want some Kismesis when i'm around!
JK: i'm not one for watching some stupid tv shows liKe a dumb Kid. i'd rather be acting on my own! LIKE A NORMAL TROLL!
FR: >:c
FR: if i may be frank, doesn't being a "fangirl" sort make it hard for them to want to be your Kismesis? sort of hard to be a fan of someone and yet still feel enough burning rage towards them to wish being kismesis with them!
FR: and assuming the last comment was supposed to make it seems that your some sort of actor, calling those who watch the shows you perform in "dumb kids" isn't what i would call a very good business model.
FR: but i can see why people would want to be your kismesis.
JK: w-well, Just any quad works for fans!
JK: and "actor" would be a gross understatement!
JK: fighting is an art, not some faKe gay dancing done by twinKs who thinKs they're better than the real deal!
JK: only dumb Kids and wrigglers would care about some folly liKe that!
JK: you Know, i taKe bacK what i said earlier
JK: you're pretty cringe
FR: ...
FR: while i wont sit here and say that those who act in shows as fighters are as good/ real as those who do real fighting.
FR: i will NOT allow you to sit there and suggest that acting isnt an ART!
FR: first one, acting in something is quite possible the most purest form of art, for your enitre job is to protray and idea to an audience!
FR: they are the ones that can trully connect with those watching and maybe actually teach them something,
FR: and while the entire part of the show creation process is as equally important as another, its the actors who need to be the faces of the thing they are presenting. its not something just for dumb kids or wigglers!
FR: and no, a actor for a show about fighting probably cant win againts a person who fights for real.
FR: -though, method acting and working out to better fit for the role is something actors are known to though. even if its the stunt double i still would count them as an acotr_
FR: furthermore! the simpe concept of shows being something ONLY for kids is a hurtful misconceptions, escpicially in cartoons! even ignoring shows targrted at adults, some kids shows can still be watched and enjoyed by those of all ages!
JK: too bad I really don't care about some JacKass i stumbled upon today
JK: if you want to Keep watching stupid wriggler shows, be my guest
JK: if you want a real showdown though, come checK me out when i'm in the ring, sweetheart ;)
JK: i might even let you Keep my opponent's tooth! hahahaaaa!!
fandomloveRr [FR] has ceased pestering jesterKight [JK].


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