Imai Geographic Location in Alveria | World Anvil
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Imai (Imai)

The continent of Imai is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet, and largely in the occidental hemisphere. It's limited by all sides by the Outer Ocean, and consists of two subcontinents: Bethyania in the east and Kapelia in the west, both parted by the Inner Sea.
  It's the fifth largest of the seven continents, with Bethyania holding at around 5.500.000 Km2, and Kapelia holding at around 5.000.000 Km2. for a total combined surface of 10.500.000 Km2. It, however, easily holds most of the political influence of all of the continents due to historical colonialism exerted from it. Its smallest country is the city of Sulling, and its biggest is Kapelizan Empire. Imai is the fourth largest populated continent on the planet, with an estimated count of 350.000.000 Souls.
  The Cataclysm was the reason for the splitting of Imai into two subcontinents, as well as the reduction of the population of Imai, but also led to great amounts of mineral and metallic deposits emerging, which prompted the rapid expansion of all surviving kingdoms into great powers. This event is the benchmark for the Cataclysmic Calendar.
  Bethyania comprises the countries of Snubia, Salalur, Jundogenia,Interia  , The Kingdom Of Bosmia, Bakjarla, Sehyon, Tita, Ronjonalia, The kingdom of Vigania, the Principality of Hernomacia, Flolalia, Matrixia, Cordum, And the Bethyan Theocracy, as well as some city-states such as Klisall, Suling, and Qada.
  Kapelia comprises the countries of Bonzeln, The Kingdom of Esca, The kingdom of Fumie, Lino, The Mauenian Empire, the Kingdom of Gauzoia, Autreilia, Fertempieria, Mokeda, and the Kapelizan Empire, as well as some city-states such as Arkwell, Yline, and Cona.
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