The Underdark Geographic Location in Altaria | World Anvil
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The Underdark

The Underdark is the name given to the seedy underbelly of the world. Comprising of the many underground passages, lairs, sewers, and smaller settlements below the main surface level of the Overworld, it's quite easy for criminal activities and hives of scum and villainy to be found therein.   Unfortunately there are less honourable criminals who use the Underdark as a means to escape the confines of the laws of nature, resulting in a great deal of danger, and potentially magical, extraplanar and eldritch horrors awaiting around any corner. Some have even heard of the dead being raised in some dark wretched depths of the Underdark, but noone has lived to confirm such details.  
The Upperdark
  The main control of the upper layer of the Underdark goes to the Thieves Guild, who maintain a steady relationship with the governing bodies of the Overworld, allowing a certain degree of profits to go to the main world in return for usage of services with no questions asked.   Every major city, and most major towns and villages have some form of entry point into the underdark itself. Many of the locationds are hidden from plain sight by clever masking of entrances, heavily secure areas, and even arcane practices. Every major city is connected by this network by the series of tunnels, some even containing high tech and in depth rail networks run by the Dwarfs in the Dwarven Underground Kingdoms.      
The Middle Dark
  This is where the majority of the Drow, and occasionally the dwarves live. Located 3 to 10 miles (4.8 to 16 kilometers) below the surface, this layer was where most of the Underdark cities were located. These are usually accessable by railway, or certain tunnels and access points. The majority of the Drow cities are smaller cities that are nestled in caverns and chasms. The Largest of which is Menzoberranzan, or "the City of Spiders". This city is part of the Western continent, and borders the areas between the Upperdark and the Middledark. The main entrance to the city lies in the Aldaran conclave, in the caverns North of the City of Aldaran.  
The Lowerdark.
  The lowerdark is the home to deep caverns that many of the inhabtants of the Underdark are not willing to explore. Home to all manner of dark and eldritch beings, most who explore down here without any form of preparation are sure to meet a grim fate. Most of the lowerdark is unexplored and home to more violent and horrific illithid beings, cursed creatures and mutants, all terribly evolved to survive the harsh darkness. There are settlements of various creatures, but nothing has been documented at all.
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