The Unusual Suspects: Session 0 Report in Altaria | World Anvil
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The Unusual Suspects: Session 0

General Summary

Our heroes, Adderick, Burt, and Nusar the Astounding awoke on a vessel, disoriented and shackled. Despite being released from their chains, they decided to fight in conjunction with their captors to fend of a series of invaders. Grateful for their assistance, Yancey and Captain Willy let them walk free aboard the ship until they landed and explained how they arrived. Upon arrival at the village of Niblia, they spoke to Earl Gotze about undertaking a quest. He directed them to the wizard tower, where they deposited a book they found aboard the S.S. Moonhooch, and met Archmage Jannah. She instructed them to investigate the Erathis Stone and find what happened to the class of mage students. They were able to reach the stone and slay the reanimated abomination there, saving Annabeth, the Archmage's daughter. It is here they also meet Samuel and Clinton, two Freyan travelers astray in the woods, and escort them back to Niblia before a blizzard took hold.

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigate Mage Exam Return Soul Gem

Character(s) interacted with

Archmage Jannah Samuel Gunnar Clinton Annabeth Capt. Willy Yancey Earl Gotze
Report Date
30 Nov 2019
Primary Location

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