Vah Luma Technology / Science in Alrulan | World Anvil
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Vah Luma

The Titan Beast designated for the Zorra race. Modeled after the elephant in honor of the animal's great intelligence and memory, Luma was the first Titan Beast ever created by the Zorra and is piloted by the Zorra Champion and Princess Opal.   Luma was named after the moon and the lumous stone she was crafted from. The name is also a tribute to the late Queen Lona who's spirit resides within the Titan. Lona loved the moon which had been a very important symbol to the Zorra for generations, so it was only fitting that they name their Titan after it.   Luma is able to absorb water from her surroundings through a complicated Zorra technology and redisperse it through her trunk. She also has the ability to synthesize water within herself, though this process requires a great deal of energy and resources and so is very rarely used. She is also able to fire blasts of ice by first super cooling the water and storing it in specialized reservoirs. Luma can then channel the water through her tusk canons at high speeds, allowing the water to crystallize on impact.   Luma was outfitted with a physical control panel as well as a neural array to allow Opal to control Luma's actions with her thoughts. Upon Opal's request, the Zorra engineers installed a basic artificial intelligence into Luma's computer that would give Luma a facade of concious thought and make piloting the machine more appealing for Opal.   On the first test drive, Opal was becoming frustrated by her slow progress and the anxiety from Scourge's return and her complicated emotional life. She accidentally summoned her healing power and sent the energy into Luma's computer. Luma suddenly began to behave differently and resist the Zorra scientists' attempts to run tests, returning the same confusing message: "I want to speak with Opal".   When Opal returned to Luma she was astonished to hear Luma speaking to her mind. In a way that can only be explained as divine intervention, Luma had been possessed by the spirit of Opal's mother, Queen Lona. This miracle allowed Opal to quickly master Luma's controls and interact with her long dead mother, forming a unique mental and emotional bond between Opal and her Titan. Aside from the telepathic communication, Opal and Luma are able to sense each others' feelings and anticipate what the other is going to say or do, giving them an edge in combat.

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