Mithral Material in Alnareth | World Anvil
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"Mithral is the stuff of legends in these parts"

The ore of legends, only the most experienced miners can collect mithral, and the most wealthy individuals can afford it en mass. The most legendary weapons and armours in the realm have been forged from mithral throughout the eons.


Material Characteristics

Mithral is a deep silver-blue color naturally, with an otherworldly glow and gives its presence away in a mine. It incredibly dense, as hard as steel, yet dramatically lighter making it sought after for armour.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mithril is renowned for its great durability, comparable to that of steel, paired with its light weight that makes it great for armor. It is also known to provide various resistances to magic and enchantments.

Geology & Geography

Throughout the millennia on Alnareth, only the most devoted miners have had the resolve to mine deep within mountains in sear of Mitheral. Although mithral is typically found miles within and below to bases of harsh mountain ranges, it isn't known if in can be found in other geography due to its rarity.

Origin & Source

It is believed throughout the world that mithral veins in the ground are buried clusters of the scales of Baphomet from the last time he visited the realm of mortals.

History & Usage


Historically mithral has been a treasure to smiths, miners, and adventurers alike, in order to craft their masterpiece, accumulate wealth, and improve their equipment respectively for millennia. While originally its properties as equipment were unknown for centuries and was only values for its mytical glow and beautiful color, eventually smiths put it to work as a lightweight improvement to steel.

Everyday use

Mithral is most well known for its usage in armor and occasionally weapons, as its hardness is that of steel and dramatically lighter than steel/ Occasionally it has been known to be used to make frying pans and other cooking utensils, this is a wasted cause because of it's lucrative rarity.


In its raw ore state mithral is mostly useless, as it must be refined into ingots and smelted in order to be smithed into usable wares.

Manufacturing & Products

Breatplates, mails, full-plate armor.


Trade & Market

Being a highly valuable resource for smiths and adventurers, typically only the wealthiest merchants in a location will have an mithral for sale. This being said, mithral is unlikely to be found outside of a metropolitan city or a an extremely well of smaller city. However it is entirely possible to seek out the miners that supply said merchants with their mithral and attempt to haggle them for a better price than the merchants might be offering.
Mythril cover
500 gp/pound
Unrefined mithral is typically a deep, silvery blue color, and when refined becomes a dark, metallic cobalt color.
Mithral is known to be the most dense of all naturally occurring ores and minerals, even stronger than diamond.
Common State
In its unrefined state, mithral is found in a solid ore composition.
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