Highdwellers Species in Allwanduir | World Anvil
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The Highdwellers are one of the four Sentient species of Allwanduir. They are mostly arboreal, and humanoid. They were the first to join the Common History by creating social bonds with Allwanduirians traced all the way back to the -32nd century (about 6,800 years ago).

Basic Information


Ape-like, with particularly long limbs and prehensile feet.   Weaker creatures as their height suggests, being exceptionally thin (both causes of the fact that living in trees makes them safe from most dangers).   The fur is light or dark brown, very thin but homogenous, except on the face (the cheekbones are hair free).

Growth Rate & Stages

Puberty at 32 (17,5) for females and 38 (20,5) for males in average

Ecology and Habitats

Mostly arboreal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, with a preference for fruits and insects.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Live in villages in trees comprising of 120 dwellers in average.

Facial characteristics

The face reminds that of a sloth, but more expressive. The nose and ears don't stick out, making the face shape oval. The eyes are round and very dark. Males have whiskers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Their metabolism does not allow them to stand low temperatures; they live in equatorial and tropical regions between 33°N and 34°S, below 1200m in altitude. They colonized all islands of that climate with the help of Allwanduirians , as Highdwellers are not seafarers.   Population:

Average Intelligence

  • Sentience factor: 0,91
  • Technological factor: 0,33
  • Intellectual factor: 0,85
  • Spiritual factor: 1

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Highdwellers have a sign language with a written form encompassing about 1,300 words, but they hardly communicate with either, preferring facial expressions. Due to the contact with Allwanduirians, their language is growing in both expressiveness and use.


First Highdwellers' laws go back to the 20th century (about 3,300 years ago), probably due to interspecies contacts as well. They are highly social and spiritual creatures. This was long considered a contradiction with their lack of proper communication system, but a theological tradition is faithfully transmitted by pictural representations of Manichean Gods.
Population: 85 million.
Scientific Name
Í Ilwaia slehneata
185 years (100 years)
Average Height
1,88m for females and 1,94m for males
Average Weight

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