Akteus Character in Alkanor | World Anvil
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The God of the Sea

Akteus is a vastly and highly admired god. He commands the ocean and summons earthquakes to devastate those that dare challenge him. Akteus is a very reliable and honorable God, and never goes back on his word. Akteus is often depicted as tall, large, handsome, and respectable.

Place of Worship

There is one main place for those who yearn for the blessings of Akteus, but small altars and larger prayer houses are ideal to increase ones connection. He is worshipped through pledges and sacrifices.  


Worshippers are in the majority and tend to come in the form of sailors, and a few others seem to be welcome among followers of Akteus, but only ever if the right pledges and sacrifices are adhered to.
Circumstances of Birth
Through the death of Cerifrios and Pharoe
Long, sleek, grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Tan
Specific height unkown
specific weight unknown

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