Seven Deadly Sins Myth in Alfeon | World Anvil
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Seven Deadly Sins


A group of extremely powerful individuals (not fully alive in a sense) that serve as seals (technically being considered part of the Nexus of the Seal's) for the Twilit Gate. These beings are extremely evil, unable to be changed from their ways (if they are in realization of their nature), and are extremely dangerous. All of them are a physical embodiment of one of the classic seven deadly sins from catholic belief. As a result, their personalities heavily fit their assigned sins (IE Midas Silenus being extremely greedy, opportunistic, and ungiving of any of his many riches, as well as believing himself him deserving of any and all riches).  


As in the name, this group as seven members; Midas Silenus as greed, Arietta Blackheart as lust, The Beast as gluttony, Lyssal Ira as wrath, Kira Viralice as envy, Project Xethia as pride, Quill Geljik as sloth.  

Other Info:

Not all of the seven will realize they are Nexus of the Seal's, nor that they are embodiments of a sin (as is the case with Kira Viralice and Quill Geljik) and as a result may have mixed feelings if they have to discover this. They might have once been a decently kind and caring person (as seen with Kira Viralice) and upon finding out, they might fully snap and change completely to be evil. Other cases they might be very reluctant to fulfill their role, and will only be decently bad, more often than not just trying to avoid everyone and everything, and only committing vileness upon being in their presence rather than actively.   The Seven Deadly are in direct opposition to and hate the Seven Heavenly Virtues, as well as the Seven Deadly actively doing what they can to free Apocrylis Sintalus, help the Homo Saurus / Demons, and rid the world of all light and goodness.   The Seven Deadly, as if they weren't immortal enough (being immune to all poisons, toxins, and ailments, as well as having extreme strength, durability, and willpower) can only be killed by an individual with light and goodness, with any dark creature or dark magic trying to kill them resulting in them only growing stronger and fueling their Calibers. Of Calibers they have a variety, all of them fitting the specific individual and their themes/sins. But some (especially like the The Beast) can grow stronger and gain even more, making them all the much more unkillable.
Other names:
Capital Vices, Cardinal Sins, The Seven Deadly, Seven Sins, Council of Sins, Sinful Seven.

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