Reges Oppidum Settlement in Alfeon | World Anvil
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Reges Oppidum (Reh-Jes Oh-Pid-Dum)


A mighty castle and its surrounding town, ornately decorated with precious metals and gems, and with one of the strongest defenses in Central Mesica. Built along the Regime River and many structures were built to harness the powerful river's strength in supplying energy to the entire city. Many tall and impressive buildings such as towers, temples, and colosseums rise from the rest of the cityscape, shining brilliantly with their gold-plated roofing. This city is very much like the High-Income District with SlumsWealth, but turned up to an 11. In the very center of the city is the mighty castle, decorated with hundreds of tons of precious metals, and thousands of precious gems imbedded into every surface. The throne room is located within the large domed room, easily seen from almost any part in the city as it rises almost as high as the many towers rising from the castle. The top of the dome features a large bell, only ever rung in massive sieges, which has yet to happen, according to the citizens of the city.    


It is unknown when this city was constructed. Some rumors say it has always existed since the beginning of time. Others state its not even real, merely a hallucination of the greedy. However, despite its overly greedy and selfish inhabitants, the city still manages to stand due to the ornately armored guards that patrol the city 24/7, who wield weapons made of alloys to appear precious, whether it be gold, amethyst, diamonds, etc. Though the town wastes so much wealth and being showy, the city is a huge source of economy for the entire country and a massive source of income for the Herald's of the Damned, due to the amount of resources and rare intricacies.  


True citizens are only humans, any other races seen within the city are enslaved to the richest of nobles, treated like beasts of the field and more often than not, covered in scars from being whipped and beaten. Guards dressed in ornate armor can be seen in plenty in the trees and along the walls, always in groups of four. Two with swords and shields, the other two with rifles. They rarely speak, but are feared for their advanced tactics and skill in combat. They are never seen eating, sleeping, or drinking, being seen as almost non-living.
The citizens are of the greediest mindset, gold and precious jewels being valued much higher above even hundreds of the lives of others. Theft is extremely common, and compared to the rest of the world, the poorest citizen is as wealthy as a king. However, if a citizen doesn't have everything, or someone else possesses something they do not, they believe they are poor and wretched and will do anything (including murder) to obtain that wealth.

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