Assassin Profession in Alfeari | World Anvil
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Assassins almost exclusively work for the Nobles, often having a lifetime position with a single House. They are the ones who enact the near-constant assassinations that are the core of noble machinations and plots.   They wear peasant clothing but of a fine cut and fabric. They carry a curved dagger in their waistbands.


Career Progression

The Plated Finger

On the smallest finger of the assassin's dominant hand, they grow out and sharpen the nail to an inch-long point, then plate it based on the number of kills made.

Once the assassin has made five kills (one for each of the Five Spirits), they dip the nail into molten copper to the fingertip. After they have made 15 kills (for the Five Spirits times the Three Seasons), they dip the nail into molten gold to the cuticle. When they reach 25 kills, they dip the finger into molten platinum up to the first knuckle.

Only the killing of noble-born souls is counted. Those they might kill who are not Housed Nobles are considered only collateral damage, and an embarrassment as well.

Payment & Reimbursement

Assassins function as a high-level servent, though treated as a noble guest by other servents. They are usually withdrawn, not socializing with other servents as they are considered different than servents. They don't socialize with nobility as that could lead to emotional interference in a future assignment or impede them as masters of stealth, as someone could recognize them.   They are given a standard pension, usually equivilent to that of a high-ranking guardsman. They and their families are often provided good quality room and board, as well as a generous allowance for clothing and entertainment.



Assassination is a key part of the Maneuvering, the scheming and plotting by which the nobility shifts power and hierarchy. Assassins are one of the tools used for this.

Social Status

Assassins are respected but feared. They are seldom welcome but never shunned.



The curved dagger of the assassin is used in the assassination. The daggers are designed to be easy for a Witch to read to verify completion of the kills. Even if another method of killing is used, the dagger is plunged into the chest of the victim to draw blood for the Witch to read, and to mark the victim as assassinated.

As part of the Maneuvering, Housed Nobles might conceal the fact that a member of their family was assassinated. Because of this, assassinations have become less about public perception of a family's vulnerability and more about the opening provided in power and position.

Alternative Names
Coppertipped, Goldtouched, Moonshadowed
A staple of the nobility

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