Sun Maddness
A horrible mental disease that is common in the southern regions of Alben.
Too much exposure to the sun can cause this illness.
The first symptom of this illness is memory loss, this is usually minor and is often unnoticed. Second comes paranoia they believe that things are hunting them but they don't know who or what, because of this it is uncommon that anyone else will know as they start to not trust anyone. Finally they will go completely mad, thinking the whole world is out to get them and that the only way to stop it is to not tell anyone else the truth so that they don't know what you are doing. They will be delusional and start believing in their own lies.
If symptoms are caught in the first stage then they may be cured. By feeding the person a mixture of honey, berries, and herbs, while they are bathed in the light of at least one full moon.
Stage One - The affected starts to have memory loss. They will forget where they put things or what they are doing. As it processes they will start to forget who people are.
Stage Two - The affected will become paranoid. They will talk less to others, and take on either a persona of being really nice, or withdraw from society.
Stage Three - The affected's paranoia is amplified to the extreme. They believe that everyone is out to get them and that no where is safe. They will often move to completely new areas without telling anyone. They will lie and often try to hide form people.
Stage Four - The affected will start to believe that they can cast magic and other similar powers. They will believe their own lies to an extreme, and will often start attributing things like the weather or the sun raising to their great power.
Affected Groups
Anyone can get this not matter their age or gender.
Staying out of the sun especially on the hottest days of the year. If you must go outside never look directly into it's light.
Cultural Reception
These people are often treated as outcasts, which they themselves even prefer. As long as they do not try and harm anyone then they are left alone.
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