House Stone
These intricate stones are worn by members of the Great Houses of the Albenis people that symbolize their status and family.
Each member of a house wears a stone with the symbol of their house. On general you only wear the stone or your house, though some married ladies will wear the stone of their original house as well as the house that they married into.
These stones are symbol and range in size from half an inch, to 3 inches in diameter. They tent to be a white circular disk like the moon, though darker colors are not unheard of. And can be worn as earrings, rings, necklaces, pins, buttons, and any other small jeweler.
In current times most members of the family will have two to three stones that are imbedded into different pieces of jewelry so that they can wear them for different occasions. This is especially true for ladies who will often where a necklace or ring on a day to day basis, but switch to earrings, a broach of a tiara during a party of social gathering. However despite nowadays it being common to have many of these in their possession, in the past it was common for people to only have one each, and these would be enchanted with a charm. Some of these enchanted ones are still around and are usually pasted down though the heads of the family.
Manufacturing process
First you will grind the stone into a shear of disk and smooth it down. Then you need to carve the house crest into the face of the stone so that it is very visible. On some occasions medal will be poured in to the carving so that it stands out more. Finally the stone will be crafted into what ever piece of accessory that is wanted.
These represent your family. They display status and tell others who you are loyal to.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Location
Current Holder
Rare, only owned by the members of the Great Houses.
Raw materials & Components
Stone, and any metal wires or fastenings that you want.
Stone carving tools.
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