Session 37: Three's A Crowd Report Report in Alarius | World Anvil
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Session 37: Three's A Crowd Report

General Summary

    The three remaining of The Regulators stand just outside of the Frost Giant Hunting Camp.   The undead dragonborn bard, Cortez Alexander, the fallen soldier of the Soravan Dynasty, Bāo Whitespine and the burly blacksmith of The Eternal Pillar, Cane Dusktmeadow.
Cane casts Presitigitation on himself and the others, ridding them of the blood and visera of the battle. The three men are quiet, mulling over the aftermath of the conflict, the death of Reza Dimona and the subsequent depature of Cassius Sanderson
The sun sits just below the midpoint, heralding in the early afternoon. Cane suggests they find somewhere hidden where he can cast Leomand's Tiny Hut so the men can tend to their wounds and rest for a time. Bāo mentions that over the snowy rise there is a pine forest that would provide some cover against Giant search parties. The three agree and begin to head up the mountain toward the forest, Bāo's companion and mount is nowhere to be seen.
Cortez takes the lead, spotting the obvious pathway of which the Giants seem to frequent and leads his companions away from the Giant tracks to the left uncovering a small clearing surrounded by younger baby furrs, providing some good cover for the Tiny Hut. Cane casts the Tiny Hut making it white.
Bāo takes some time to gaze around the clearing and just beyond it, attempting to ensure the area is clear from foot traffic, he finds nothing save for the tracks of some small mountain rodent. Seeing this, he decides to attempt to make a trap, recalling reading some book about it back at the Warldorn Archives but cannot for the life of him remember whether it was a poetry book or an actual informative book, he sets the trap, as flimsy as it is, nodding proudly he heads back to the Hut and joins the others in setting up his sleeping bag.

Character(s) interacted with

The Mortals of Dubron
Report Date
08 Dec 2019
Primary Location

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