The Regulators Organization in Alarius | World Anvil
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The Regulators

Coined by Bāo Whitespine, the group who ventured into the ancient ocean temple, known as, Lady of the Sea Temple, defeated one of the Chandrian of legend and returned the kidnapped citizens became known as The Regulators after the Emperor's Feast in Mulecresent . Now contracted by the Emperor's Proconsul himself, they seek allies in the coming conflict with Lord Sepherrian and the Chandrian.   Holds good relations with the Whispered Hand due to their association with the kenku magic-item hoarder, Scratch.   The people of Mulecresent hold The Regulators in a great respect thanks to their work in saving many common-folk who had been taken captive by Alenta and the Kuo-Toa.
Adventuring Party
Parent Organization
Jorak Empire

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