Residential District Settlement in Akkadia | World Anvil
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Residential District

Calling the northwest district the "Residential District" is quite a kindness. Over 25,000 people are crammed into this district at any given time, and the infrastructure, housing availability, and funding clearly cannot support its needs. Run-down apartments, rows of dilapidated townhomes, and entire stretches of over-populated shanties dominate the entire district. Many of the workers from the Trade District and servants from the Noble District call this home, as well as the more entreprenurial-minded people (read: thieves, thugs, and the like).   While most of Akkadia lives in comfort and ease, or at least in clean houses, the Residential District scrapes by, and many of the wealthier citizens either have no idea what its like, or do not care. This is the source of one of the greatest conflicts in Akkadian life, a struggle which no ruler in Akkadian history has ever properly addressed.   Even though it could be described as a "slum," those with enough ingenuity and determination can make a good living here, joining numerous guilds, acting as problem-solvers, or simply offering something essential to the district's residents.


90% human, 10% other races


Sheer numbers


Service industries, guilds, illicit activities
Alternative Name(s)
Northwest District, The Slums
Location under

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