Prasinus Jungle Geographic Location in Akhiilor | World Anvil
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Prasinus Jungle (pɹˈæsɪnəs d͡ʒˈʌŋɡə͡l)

The Prasinus Jungle is a massive jungle forest that stretches from the southern Spine of the World to the sea and to the area near the Ruins of Kor'Kal, coming close enough to Vala Vincix that its fields and dwellings border it. It is a dangerous territory, harbouring the typical insects and wildlife of a vast jungle, but also carnivorous plants and dangerous creatures, as well as isolated communities of tabaxi, aarakocra, and Auri'an people.


The expansive Prasinus Jungle is a vast expanse of woodland, with an exceptionally thick canopy and dense trees covered in vines and moss, reminiscent of banyan trees. The jungle is grand and thickly wooded, with large and beautiful flowers, some of which are poisonous.  Throughout the jungle, there are places of decay and growth, and strange fungi can occasionally be found on the trees.
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Cover image: An Avatar-Inspired Jungle by u/memes_426

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