Earthelm Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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The newly founded town of Earthelm was the first to be built in the country of Knaeva, which begun as a simple hamlet. Consisting of mainly Sentinels, their families and rescued citizens of the Yuan-ti Slave Pits, Earthelm is a constantly growing town, expanding at a near unprecedented rate. The town itself doesn't have many larger building, apart from the church and the nearby fort constructed to overlook and protect the town. Many of the buildings are simple, wooden buildings, but, due to the constant liberation of slaves from the Yuan-ti Slave pits, much of the population live in fortified tents outside the town's boundaries, waiting for new buildings to be constructed. Many use the river that runs through the town as a means of transport, as well as a way to get their products to the port town of Port Dawnfall , so that they can be transport across The Continent.
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