Soren Estimar Character in Aion | World Anvil
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Soren Estimar

Prince Soren Estimar of Caelania

Physical Description

Body Features

Soren's body features strike a balance between elegance and ruggedness, showcasing a unique blend of grace and strength. His height falls within the average range, but his posture exudes confidence and a sense of purpose. His shoulders are broad and well-defined, hinting at his physical capabilities and his readiness to take on any physical challenges that come his way. Soren's limbs are proportionate and exhibit a combination of agility and power, reflecting his adaptability in various physical endeavors. Whether it be scaling towering cliffs, traversing dense forests, or engaging in combat, his body features align with his adventurous spirit.

Facial Features

Soren's face captivates onlookers with its striking features, which convey an aura of mystery and allure. His facial structure is characterized by angularity, accentuated by sharp cheekbones that lend a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance. The contours of his face are well-defined, giving him a distinct and memorable presence. However, it is Soren's eyes that truly stand out. They possess an intense gaze, with a mesmerizing combination of black and red hues. These captivating eyes hold a depth of emotion and hint at the passionate nature that resides within him. Soren's expressive eyes are capable of conveying a wide range of emotions, from mischief and curiosity to determination and empathy. His facial features, combined with his charismatic aura, draw others in and make him an intriguing figure in any room.

Physical quirks

Soren has a habit of tapping his feet when he is deep in thought or feeling restless. He also tends to run his hand through his hair when he's contemplating or planning something.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the older twin brother to Kitamura Estimar and younger brother to Daniel Estimar, Soren Estimar grew up in the Kingdom of Caelania. From a young age, Soren exhibited a mischievous and adventurous nature, often getting himself into trouble due to his impulsive actions. While his sister Kitamura was focused on her studies and preparing for her future role as a ruler, Soren embraced a carefree and hedonistic lifestyle.

Intellectual Characteristics

Soren possesses a sharp intellect and a quick wit. He has a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, although his preference leans more towards practical knowledge gained through personal experiences rather than academic pursuits. He is an adaptable and resourceful thinker, often finding unconventional solutions to problems.

Personality Characteristics


Soren's primary motivation in life is the pursuit of freedom and self-expression. He seeks to live life on his own terms, unburdened by the responsibilities and expectations that come with rulership. Soren aims to explore the world, indulge in his passions, and embrace the spontaneous adventures that come his way.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Adventure and exploration
  • Artistic expression
  • Challenging the status quo
  • Engaging conversations
  • Unpredictability and surprises


  • Monotony and routine
  • Restrictive rules and regulations
  • Overly somber environments
  • Lack of personal freedom
  • Being tied down by responsibilities

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Charismatic: Soren possesses a natural charm that draws people to him. He has a way with words and can easily connect with others.
  • Adventurous: Soren's love for adventure fuels his courage and willingness to take risks. He embraces the unknown and seeks thrills.
  • Independent: Soren values his freedom and enjoys making his own decisions. He is, at times, self-reliant and prefers to forge his path.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Impulsive: Soren often acts on his instincts and desires without fully considering the consequences. This impulsivity can lead him into trouble or result in hasty decisions.
  • Unpredictable: Due to his chaotic nature, Soren can be difficult to predict or understand. This unpredictability may make it challenging for others to rely on him.
  • Hedonistic: Soren seeks pleasure and indulgence in life, sometimes prioritizing immediate gratification over long-term goals or responsibilities.

Personality Quirks

  • Soren has a habit of cracking jokes or making witty remarks, even in serious or tense situations. He uses humor as a way to diffuse tension.
  • He has a penchant for collecting mementos from his travels, such as seashells, unique stones, or small trinkets. These items serve as reminders of his adventures and hold sentimental value.
  • Soren has a fascination with fire and flames. He may find himself entranced by the flickering of a candle or mesmerized by a bonfire, often spending moments lost in thought as he watches the dancing flames.


Social Aptitude

Soren is naturally sociable and can easily strike up conversations with strangers. His charisma and charm make him approachable, and he enjoys meeting new people from all walks of life. He values connections and relationships, although he may struggle with long-term commitments due to his free-spirited nature. While Soren may appear reckless and carefree, there is a depth and purpose to his actions. His impulsive nature and desire for freedom have led him on a path of self-discovery and personal growth. Despite not being suited for rulership, his presence and influence have shaped his sister Kitamura into a capable and balanced ruler for the Kingdom of Caelania. Soren's journey continues to be one of exploration, adventure, and embracing the chaotic beauty of life.


Soren Estimar

Older Twin Brother

Towards Kitamura Estimar



Kitamura Estimar

Younger Twin Sister

Towards Soren Estimar



Daniel Estimar

Younger Brother

Towards Soren Estimar


Soren Estimar

Older Brother

Towards Daniel Estimar


Marcus Estimar


Towards Soren Estimar


Soren Estimar


Towards Marcus Estimar


Soren Estimar


Towards Naomi Estimar


Naomi Estimar


Towards Soren Estimar


Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
October 23
Year of Birth
2102 NA 23 Years old
Kitamura Estimar (Younger Twin Sister)
Daniel Estimar (Younger Brother)
Black, Red
Aligned Organization

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