Iaga Geographic Location in Age of the Archanthropes | World Anvil
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Iaga is the name given to the material plane created by the archanthropes within the plane known as Illithia.


Iaga is currently divided in a large amount of continents and islands. Many scholars divide the realm in three areas, based on their distance from the Maws of Charatlas:
  • Outer rings, which are made up of the so-called Eight Cornerstones, the continents the Archanthropes allegedly used to govern, as well as smaller landmasses around them. They are the farthest from the Maws and the closest to the Eldritch Rift, leading to the influence of Illithian aberrations being most common in them. Counter-clockwise from the north, the Cornerstones are Atheras, Valendar, Gobuk-Dal, Oruk-Dal, Aldengeth, Gonomia, Ailar and Biergeria.
  • Middle rings, located between the outer and inner rings. A notable continent in this sector is Tertobelus, birthplace of the first chromatic dragons.
  • Inner rings, which encompass the Trocala Ocean and the various islands in it. They are the closest to the Maws of Charybdis, which is located at the very center of the Ocean, and thus elementals of all kinds are frequent in the region.


In general, the history of Iaga can be divided in five eras:  

Creation Era

This era encompasses the creation and initial development of Iaga and the lifeforms in it, with or without the intervention of the Archanthropes. The geography of the realm during this time period was noticeably different from the modern one: all continents and most islands were merged into a single ring-like landmass surrounding the Trocala Ocean.   This era ended circa 2000 BHC, with the unexplained death of the archanthrope Daraluun.  

Predraconic Era

The Predraconic Era, also known as the Era of Chaos by some, began around the year 2000 BHC, with the death of Daraluun. Its beginnings are notorious for the event known as the Great Drift: after the Archanthropes temporarily lose control of Charatlas and flood a large part of what is now the inner rings, they decide to split the previously mentioned landmass in continents and expand the surface of Iaga into the Eldritch Rift, leading to the plane acquiring a geography similar to the current one.   During the era, the rest of the Archanthropes gradually died out for varying reasons, ending with Belthano's demise the year 1506. With the arcane, religious and to an extent political rulers of the plane gone, many civilizations entered a profound crisis, which was taken advantage of by various extraplanar creatures. Illithian worshippers of Charatlas entered the realm through the Eldritch Rift and gathered followers, the most notable being the group known as the Empire of Notheles. Devils from Peniteros, followed by the demons spawned by some of their rituals, approached humanoids as well and led hidden cults within their societies.   This era ended circa 1000 BHC, with the discovery of the Brownwyrm in the continent of Tertobelus.

Draconic Era


Contemporary Era

Dimensional plane
Included Locations

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