Dwarf Species in Age of the Archanthropes | World Anvil
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Dwarves are a sophont eohumanoid subspecies that can be found across the north and east of Iaga.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most other mammalian humanoids, dwarves are viviparous and copulation takes place via internal fertilization. The dwarf gestation period typically lasts eight months.   Dwarves can produce fertile offspring with other medium-sized eohumanoid races, such as humans and grimlocks, as well as elves, and unlike most other eohumanoids their size is appropriate for breeding with small races such as halflings and gnomes. Dwarf-orc hybrids exist as well, though they tend to be infertile. Like other eohumanoids, they are genetically incompatible with all goblinoids.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Accustomed to dark caverns, dwarves have developed basic darkvision, but like most other creatures with this sense, they aren't able to discern colors in darkness. Their primary sense is sight.

Civilization and Culture


The first dwarves seemingly appeared in Biergeria during the Creation Era. Their direct ancestors, which they share with halflings and derro, were the so-called proto-dwarves, whose rather short stature is believed by many anthropologists to have been the result of natural selection favoring the individuals that were most able to go unnoticed by the various giants of the continent. The first true dwarves derived from proto-dwarves that settled within the cave systems of the continent, and they are thought to have been closest to the modern mountain dwarves, with hill and wood dwarves being descendants of mountain dwarves that eventually returned to the surface. The development of the duergar subrace is not fully understood yet.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens duergus
Duergar, hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, wood dwarves
100-150 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1.2-1.6 meters (4-5 feet)
Average Weight
60-70 kilograms (~150 pounds)

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