The Noble Manors Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Noble Manors

Along the inside of Clifftop's northern wall are the old manor houses of the Therans. Most Therans put considerable effort into trying to one-up each other with their manors.   Today, the manors are stripped of all valuables, and many were locked and trapped when the Therans left. Of course, rumors persist that there are still caches of valuables not yet discovered.   Rumors state that the manors have secret passages from their basements to outside of the city walls or stairwells leading down to the lower city. Other rumors are that the ghosts of the manses' former owners still haunt the buildings as strange lights have been observed in the manors at night, but those lights are just as often said to be from the meetings of secret societies in Kratas . Garlthik One-Eye sends Force of the Eye members to investigate, but little has been found. Still the scuttlebutt is that the patrols have located blood, scrawed incantations and ritualistic activity in the manors.
Manor house / Meeting hall
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