Old Kaer Settlement in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Old Kaer

The back of the Old Kaer is flush with Kratas Mesa , built pre-Scourge by the The Theran Empire . It lies west and down the hill from Hilltop . This area made the cornerstone of the citadel used by the citizens of Kratas before the scourge.   The Old Kaer is split into two main sections, the old keep outside of the cliff face and the area carved into the mesa behind it. The kaer stands six stories tall and is covered with imposing battlements and fortifications. What passes for windows could be more accurately called arrow slits and the remains of siege weaposn litter the roof.   The first two floors, once barracks and armories are now gutted and empty. Below these levels are basement levels that once contained offices, workshops and storage. The middle floors contained administrative offices but have today been looted of anything of value. These floors also held courtrooms and a few holding cells, now defaced by thieves, who do not have a good relationship with the Passion, Mynbruje . The upper floors contained living chambers, more opulent than the barracks, now restored and used by the Force of the Eye .   Each floor extends into the mesa. The upper floors are a series of storage chambers, rooms and possibly holding some of the loot of the Force of the Eye if the rumors are to be believed. Elemental elevators connect to the Theran fortesses on Clifftop . The middle floors contain food storage chambers, elemental water fountains and gardens. There are numerous stairwells within the mountain and the keep, fortified in the case of attackers with heavy doors and gates to seal off levels, as well as murder holes for attacking from above. In the lower levels, these tunnels break from the orderly structure, becoming passages that lead down into the Undercity.   The elemental fountains in the city are a great boon to Kratas , as clean drinking water is at a premium or controlled by various gangs. While the Force of the Eye controls the elemental fountains, they keep the cost of using the fountains to a minimum. One copper piece per person lets that person grab all the water he or she can carry from the fountain. Trolls and obsidimen are charged 2 copper because of their greater carrying capacity. Getting to the fountain requires paying the fee to the member of the Force of the Eye at the entrance to the keep, passing through the main passage (a large vaulted corridor with a ceiling dotted with murder holes) . Any doors leading from this corridor are locked or boarded shut. Once passing into the cliff itself, the fountains stand in a poorly lit hall, with dark passage sleading off in many directions. At least half a dozen Force members guard this entrance and the fountains themselves, a boring job that can lead to a surly attitude on the part of the guards. Several hundred citizens of the city avail themselves of the elemental fountains each day, especially at dawn and dusk.
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