House Ueraven Organization in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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House Ueraven

Before the Scourge, this House had some of the most impressive headquarters on Merchant's Row . Now, their old headquarters is under the control of the main fence for the Force of the Eye , a T'skrang named K'tryklen.   This House has a sporadic presence in Kratas at best, because the members don't want to deal with the chaotic environment. Garlthik One-Eye is also suspicious, for the house is known to be anti-royalist and Garlthik has a truce, however uneasy, with the Kingdom of Throal .   These suspicious seem to be founded as the spies have noticed that the last several forays by the House into the city have had little trading and a lot of skulking about, possibly meeting with agents of the Deairastas or even Brocher's Brood . Thus far, they haven't been banned from the city but that could change
Financial, Merchant League
Parent Organization

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