Freedom Earned Plot in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Freedom Earned

Tilde frees the characters, sending them down deep into the Undercity to escape. She tells them to meet her at The Axe In Hand Inn .   "You guys have to get out of the city. I'm going to release you. Here are your weapons and gear. I've marked a path out and down into the Undercity, should be free of the Brood. But listen, nothing's free so you're buying your freedom. The path out of the city is dangerous, no lying there. Meet me at the Axe In Hand Inn, just southeast of the city within two days. I have a task for you."   Tilde is actually working with the Brood, but is one of Vistrosh 's most loyal members of the gang. He has entrusted her with a small amount of knowledge about his true operations and is having her set the PCs up for a mission.

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