Age of equilibrium Death of the Gods
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Death of the Gods



The Gods engage in a great battle and from their corpses the world springs forth.

The final dawn of Oblivion was one filled with little but anger and hatred. The old gods lined up across the vast space of nonexistence, wielding weapons and armour of unimaginable power. It is unknown who or what made the first move, but it is known that both sides charged each other with relentless fury. The cyclical gods were led by Oraro, one whose limbs were beyond counting and constantly sprouted, lived and decayed in the blink of an eye. He wielded cruel sharpened hooks, with which he ripped open the innards of his enemies and hung them by their entrails, spreading panic amongst the linear ranks. These were commanded by Eilix, the ever-growing god that simply crushed others with his bare limbs, mounting their mangled corpses on a pike of shifting size and wringing out of them their essence of life to fuel his own immense power.   On his side he also had Vrach, god of anger, pain and bloodshed. Vrach fought with fury like few, other and was only brought to a halt when he met Qurlo, trusty ally of Oraro and the celestial steward of hatred, predjudice and countless unspeakable things. The fury of their bloody union was such that their first blow rendered a hundred other gods asunder and as they dug into each other with an blazing evil that will never again be seen in this world the very fabric of oblivion wavered. In the end they destroyed each other, with Vrach ripping and tearing into Qurlo until there was naught much but thin strands and vapours left, only to collapse as the one thousand and one spears piercing his body took their toll.   But not all of the battle was as furious and great as the battle between the giants of evil, for even the gods of beastly form had taken sides in this titanic struggle. Lial, a linear god in the form of a turtle and the serpentine god Ucu threw themselves into the fight, with Lial splitting the serpent in twain with a snap of his beak as the snake plunged into his throat with a fatal bite. The battles raged like this for an eon, or perhaps only a second. Regardless, there was no victor. The fields of oblivion were strewn with the countless corpses of the gods, with Oraro and Eilix being the last ones still drawing breath, if the gods even did such things. The two leapt at each other in a last mad charge of desperation, but their fate was little different from that of their fellow gods. In the end, Oraro was crushed by the mighty fists of Eilix, who himself perished as countless hooks dug into him, mercilessly ripping his organs and bones out of his body faster than he could hope to tend to his grievous wounds.   This last act of madness and death was also one of creation. For as the bodies of the gods laid strewn across oblivion, the world sprang from their carcasses. Their bodies slowly became the world we known today, whilst their souls became magic. Tiny parasites feasted on their remains, becoming the first of the living beings in the universe. But not all beings were mere parasites feasting on a corpse. From the heart of the wrathful god Vrach sprung the dragons, channeling his fury into their charring breaths of fire. From his skull crawled the Jötunn, endowed with his mighty raw strenght. Last of the Giants were the Shuvuu, who emerged from his eyes and were therefore granted dark, silent wings that let them strike without a sound. These giants in turn craved power and once they stopped bickering over the corpse of their ancestor, set forth to conquer and dominate.

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