Uralturm Hill Building / Landmark in Aeyos | World Anvil
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Uralturm Hill

Massive black stone blocks worn and chipped form a five foot tall ring at the top of a hill. No entrance or doorway can be found in the stone wall, the only way to get inside being to climb the ring of stones. Remnants of carved stone, broken and swallowed by earth lay scattered around the tower. A dense wood circles the base of the hill and is devoid of any animal life, its trees tall and old. The center of the ring appears to be a solid black stone slab filling the entirety of the 30 foot wide interior. The area is eerily silent save the whisper of the wind. A dark and heavy presence lingers over the area and the feeling of a hundred watching glares pierce through any who stay here to long.


The earliest recorded history of the tower states that it stood intact a thousand years ago but had no door or entrance, and the only openings were small slit windows at the top. The stone surface was reported to be so smooth that none could climb it and any attempts at hammering pins to climb it proved impossible. Around five hundred years later a storm so intense that the winds knocked over stone walls in Rahmsburg was recorded and during this storm the tower came crashing down. Many of the stones were hauled away and used in building new structures. Notably there was nothing recorded of the interior or any objects being found within the rubble. Decades later the last of the good stone that could be hauled away had been recovered and the first deaths at the location were noted. A young couple leisuring among the ruins were found deceased in the center of the stone foundation pale white and drained off all liquid as if dehydrated like jerky. After many more years of people and animals being found dead in the area it was agreed that no one would be permitted back at the site.

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