The Oracle Building / Landmark in Aetheres | World Anvil
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The Oracle

A tower that stands tall and thin, before spreading into a bulbous cap. The Oracle can be seen from the coast of Aesmaril, though its form is dark and unlit. The spur of land it was built upon is deep with snow and scattered trees, the way inside long sealed. For those can can travel there, the Oracle is a mystery that resists all attempts to solve it.

Purpose / Function

The Oracle served as a way to read the stars, using their movements to determine and decipher prophecies made by seers and holy folk. Their star maps were produced and supplied to many sea-going vessels, with the superstition that routes chartered on a map created by the Oracle could never fail and would only bring good luck to the sailors on board. Other maps were provided to magical or religious institutes, who used them to determine when to perform rituals and activities.


The Oracle has been sealed since the Cataclysm, no door visible to those who approach. Though it shows signs of ageing and exposure, it cannot be damaged or altered through any means brought against it.


Stone said to resonate with the heavens was used, a deep grey material which glitters in the light. Brought by the Eladrin, it was worked and shaped by Dwarven stonemasons to create perfectly fitted blocks. Once in place, the Eladrin further added to it, etching runes of power and divination into the inside and outside of the Oracle. The Humans involved could neither work stone like the Dwarves nor perform as delicate a magical attunement as the Eladrin. Instead, they supplied many of the inner materials; strong, dry wood for creating flooring and furniture, parchment, quills and inks, fine glass lenses which the Dwarves took and secreted away in their workshops.


The Oracle was created to allow for the stars, the future, and the will of the Gods to be discerned by mortal races. Erected by a combination of Eladrin, Humans and Dwarves, the Elves refused to assist in the project. Upon completion, a guild of mages was founded to chart the stars and the heavens, to track movements and prophecies. The Oracle did so, until one day the entrance was sealed to the outer world and all communications ceased. Any attempts to gain entry failed; mundane or magical, the Oracle was unable to be entered. A scarce few days after it did so, the Cataclysm struck. Though its magical wards were strained, many of them failing in a flash of untold colours, the Oracle stood firm and survived.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location

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