Nithavideon Item in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Nithavideon (Knee-tha-vid-eon)

The King's Blade

C.R. Eede
This section incorporates all information relating to the King's weapon, Nithavideon.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Nithavideon: The wielder of this arming sword is the reigning King of Aethel Caeloria. The blade is similar to an arming sword, one-handed and lighter than most. It bears various features from the kingdom, making it distinct and one-of-a-kind. These features include patterns of the Hyphicen, the Starlight Veil, the three substances of the kingdom, and Avial gemstones. Along with Nithavideon, it comes with a disc-shaped chromatic shield altered specifically for the King.   Sword Components:
  • Pommel: A smooth silver disc-shaped pommel with the three substances of Aethel Caeloria inside; Saer (silver), Wien (smooth white wood), and Rone (ebony glistening slime). Two thin steel walls compartmentalize each substance to separate the materials (barely noticeable).
  • Grip: White leather with a thin golden string wrapped around it.
  • Crossguard: This takes the form of golden antlers to represent the significance of the kingdom's legendary beast, the Hyphicen.
  • Rainguard: A white maple leaf-shaped rainguard with a small avial gemstone in its centre. The leaf details the veins in silver.
  • Blade: Made of the toughest steel within the kingdom of Aethel Caeloria, Saer, and infused with natural starlight, which provides the outlines with a faint glow. The face of the blade has golden branch patterns with white specks engraved from the rainguard to the point of the fuller.
  • Fuller: Hexagonal. Within the centre of the fuller is the word, Nithavideon, in the old runic language R'iavantra.
  • Edge: Double-edged.
  • Central Ridge: A thin line running along the centre of the sword.
  • Point: It has a spear point.
  • Scabbard: Leather white with golden lace around the locket and chape. Along the body are intricate silver stitchings of tree branches.
Shield Components:
  • Size: 2.5 feet in diameter.
  • Weight: 12 lbs
  • Type: A concave disc-type
  • Face: Completely smooth, taking the form of a mirror. The shield itself is saer, the strongest silver within the kingdom. Around the inner edges of the shield is a phrase in the old runic language, Rianvantra. The term translates into: 'To Take A Life Is To Take Your Own. Be True to Yourself For This Blade Was Forged In The Light Of The Heavens. Nothing Is Mightier. Everything is Consequential.'
  • Enarmes: Made from black leather.
  • Edges: The edge of the shield is sharp.


Nithavideon was forged during Miha Aalarelai's reign from 2998 NE - 2397 NE. To commemorate his reign, the finest blacksmiths forged the sword. To gain its blessing, they then offered it to the star, the Caelorian Avialgeontrix. The sword was stuck atop the Ca'rthavial Vales for twenty-five years, where the star infused its starlight into the core of the blade every night for a few seconds giving it the minimal power of the universe. The only thing missing from this blade was the pommel, which was disc-shaped and could be filled with something, so it remained empty for thousands of years. Once Miha wielded the sword, he was also given a chrome (mirror) concave disc shield from the Caelorian Guard. The only difference this shield has are the golden runes engraved around the edges in the old runic language, R’ianvantra. To this day, no one knows what it says. Together, these made the King's weapons.   After the War of Faith's, the sword's pommel was filled with the three substances of Aethel Caeloria saved by Varcanai Aalarelai; the glossy metal; Saer, the smooth wood; Wien, and the glistening hardened slime, Rone. These three substances made the pommel of Nithavideon, completing it for Dihavanor Aalarelai upon his return from the war. Ever since Nithavideon has been passed down from King to King.


Nithavideon is highly significant as it belongs solely to the King of Aethel Caeloria. No other can wield it other than the King for the starlight infused within it requires the king's strength and immunity to the unrelenting power it withholds. The shield can be wielded by any as it is a regular Varcanai Guard shield, only it is shaped like a disc.
Nithavideon: Nithavideon is the weapon for the reigning King of Aethel Caeloria only. It signifies his authority over the people of the kingdom and displays that he is worthy to wield such a significant weapon forged by the heavens. It is passed down from King to King.
The King of Aethel Caeloria can only wield this arming sword due to the immense power it withholds as gifted by the Caelorian Avialgeontrix, having infused twenty-five years of natural starlight into its core every night. Only the King has the strength to wield a sword of this magnitude, for its power is overwhelming, but the Aalarelai bloodline can handle and control it without turning to ash. The shield, however, can be wielded by anyone for it is a standard Varcanai Guard shield. It was merely altered for the king. The shield has no formal name.
Creation Date
2998 NE
Destruction Date
Nithavideon is the only one of its kind in existence. It was forged by Aethel Caeloria during Miha Aalarelai's reign. This sword is the official sword of the King making it revered and admired by all.
2.4 lbs
36 inches
Who has wielded Nithavideon?
  • Miha Aalarelai: 2998 NE - 2397 NE
  • Jujinal Aalarelai: 2397 NE - 1675 NE
  • Dilax Aalarelai: 1675 NE - 776 NE
  • Dihavanor Aalarelai: 776 NE - 114 VO
  • Varcanai Aalarelai: 114 VO - 726 VO
  • Rhyzeal Aalarelai: 726 VO - 1544 VO
  • Eca Aalarelai: 1544 VO - 2135 VO
  • Filarion Aalarelai: 2135 VO - 2355 VO
  • Vaeril Aalarelai: Present

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