Insight Item in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Insight (In-site)

Emergence From Beyond The Stars

C.R. Eede
Insight is the mystical and sacred recurve bow handed down to Dihavanor Aalarelai during the War of Faith's by Aethel Caeloria's God, Nelaeryn. To defeat the Forsaken Commanders and the Ashen, royal leaders from each kingdom were handed a powerful weapon that none dared to oppose. Aethel Caeloria, Eyraeshir, Qeruma, Kavahir, and Dawndale were these kingdoms. Insight became one of these weapons. It was so powerful that those wielding it had become known as the most extraordinary elves who ever lived.   It was wielded by the High Elven King, Dihavanor Aalarelai, one of the most extraordinary Ca'rthavial elves. Only an elf of the royal Aalarelai bloodline can wield this bow due to the immense power, velocity, and energy intake it possesses. Within the bow is the blood of the first Ca'rthavial elf, making it one of the most ancient and all-powerful weapons in all the kingdoms. The one who wields Insight becomes a symbol of hope, bearing the almighty recurve bow. All those who oppose would tremble in its glory, and the holder would possess incredible strength, a highly accurate aim, and the stamina of a stallion.    The bow itself comes with no quiver because an ethereal white glistening arrow is formed with every drawback of the string, giving it an unlimited supply. These arrows would strike its enemies with the force of ten thousand mortal blades, creating small incisions from the inside, killing its enemies in an instant. Anyone who touched the affected target would die by gradually burning the skin. The bow was made from the bark of the Starlight Veil and infused with its mystical saer properties from nock to nock. Leaves and branches from the Starlight veil were engraved into the bow's limbs. Additionally, the branch engravings curve towards the grip and the arrow rest. Within the centre of the upper and lower limb of the bow is a sharp ebony blade that can retract in and outwards for close combat.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Details: Insight is a traditional recurve bow made from the bark of the Starlight Veil. It does not come with a quiver, for each glistening arrow is drawn with the pullback of the bow's string.   Specifications:
  • Dimensions: 53 inches
  • Draw Length: 18 inches
  • Arrow Length: 20 inches
  • Weight: 43lbs
Traditional Recurve Bow Components:
  • String Grove: White and shaped like the tip of an antler
  • Upper and Lower Limb: Smooth white wood, slightly curved
  • Grip: Tight black leather with thin silver lace wrapped around the centre
  • String: Flemish Twist. Strung against the bow providing a greater range
  • Serving: In the centre of the bowstring is a small division with a slightly thicker silver twist, used as the serving point
  • Nocking Point: A tiny white knot is used for the nocking point in the centre of the thicker serving
  • Limb Blades: One thin ebony blade within the lower and upper limb of the bow that can emerge and retract. The blade has tree branch patterns engraved around the curved edges in white. 
Arrow Components: Each arrow drawn from Insight is identical because it is the bow that forms the weapon. Each arrow is glistening white with a sharp point and starlight infused. The nock takes the form of a bright white feather, almost as blinding as the former mythical T'wiphray.


Insight was the answer to this impending problem. Insight was made primarily for the War of Faith's when Nelaeryn realised that the elves below had a little-to-no fighting chance against the Forsaken Commanders and Exiled Leader. They specialised in ensnaring chaos amongst living organisms. Dihavanor Aalarelai was gifted Insight by Nelaeryn in 10 VO shortly after the Ashen had descended to reign havoc. It was only through Ca'rthavial elf blood that Insight would function, as it only belonged to the Aalarelai bloodline. None other could wield it, for the power would become too much for them to bear.    Due to the immense power Insight withheld, the Caelorian Guards soon became jealous. With the shadowy forces intertwined within their minds, they, too, wanted something of great power, so they attempted to infuse their blood into their archery bows, which caused utter chaos. Their weapons turned to ashes before their eyes, and the guards severely bled out as they tried to make their weapons as powerful as Insight. Once Dihavanor Aalarelai realised what they had done, he had to convince his people not to carry on, for they would die. Once the war was won, King Dihavanor disappeared for a short time to hide Insight and prevent further jealousy amongst his people. From that moment, King Dihavanor declared the use of bows would be no more as his people would be susceptible to corruption and greed. It was a fate he did not wish upon his people. To protect them from themselves, he hid the bow away in a secret place. The Varcanai Guards do not wield bows anymore due to this travesty.   Insight became a weapon of the past, and the kingdom was free to run without bloodshed once more.


Insight was highly significant to the triumph within the War of Faith's from 234 NE to 28 VO. A bow with an unlimited supply of starlight arrows was of optimum value, making it a renowned historical weapon that many elven explorers tried to find but failed. Insight has been in many myths over the hundreds of years, but no one knows where it lies today, for this great weapon was lost after the War of Faith's.
Insight: A powerful recurve bow blessed by Nelaeryn and used in the War of Faiths by King Dihavanor Aalarelai.
Insight's Quiver: Insight does not have a quiver because every drawback of the string would create a glistening starlight arrow.
Creation Date
10 VO
Insight is the only one in existence, making it incredibly rare. No one other than Nelaeryn knows where it remains hidden/who wields it.
53 inches
Insight's Deceit: Due to the immense power Insight withheld, the Caelorian Guards became jealous of the weapon, and they attempted to infuse their blood into their archery bows, which caused havoc. Many guards severely bled out and died trying to make their bows more powerful even though it would never work because Nelaeryn did not personally bless them.
Modern Use of Bows: King Dihavanor Aalarelai declared that bows wouldn't be allowed as his people would be susceptible to heightened jealousy. Therefore, he made it known that archery bows could no longer be used in combat by the guard or common people while under the watchful eye of the Aalarelai bloodline within the lands of Aethel Caeloria.

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