Heartwood Item in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Heartwood (Heart-Wood)

The Prince's Blades

C.R. Eede
This section incorporates information regarding the Prince of Aethel Caeloria's weapon, Heartwood.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Details: Heartwood is a pair of dual short swords that can only be wielded by an elf of the Aalarelai bloodline, often the Prince. Heartwood is commonly known as dead sapwood (a place where nutrients are brought to the twigs and leaves) in the centre of the trunk of a tree. It is the hardest wood of a tree giving it support and strength. Once together, these weapons become a pair of dual short swords and become a design of beauty with the perfect balance. Both blades look alike (other than the inscriptions), but once together – they become a fearsome combination. The wielder appears more elegant and graceful, bringing a heightened sense of power.   Components:
  • Pommel: Both blades have a disc-shaped pommel with a small and rawly infused avial gemstone flattened out within the centre.
  • Grip: A white leather grip laced with silver.
  • Crossguard: A silver maple leaf-shaped crossguard with an inscription on both blades: 'Radix,' and 'Coronam.'
  • Blade: Slightly curved with a single piece of steel. Hollowed out and decorated with golden branch patterns along the entire blades.
  • Fuller: This bears an inscription in the runic language, R’ianvantra: ‘A’sadian ‘L’an Duligantria.' This translates into, 'Strike True and Honest.'
  • Edge: This is incredibly sharp with a thin and faint line engraved along it, which is where the blades radiate a bright white when it comes into contact with the Aalarelai bloodline.
  • Central Ridge: A faint line running through the centre of the blades.
  • Point: The blades have a curve like a forward recurve Wharncliffe point (aka, 'gravitation' pattern).
  • Scabbard: A plain white velvet waist scabbard. The locket and chape are silver taking the shape of a maple leaf detailing the veins.
Individually, the two short swords have their own names:
  • Radix: Latin for 'Root.'
  • Coronam: Latin for 'Crown.'
  • Together: they are called - 'Heartwood.'
  • Recognition Light: Both swords radiate a light along the edges of the blade, which recognises the blood of Aalarelai.


Heartwood originates from the myth, 'The Tale of Three Warriors,' where one of the warriors, Saer enclosed its weapon into the heart of the Starlight Veil during the War of Faith's after two of its kin was defeated. Vivaleth, the Forsaken Commander had targeted Aethel Caeloria and assaulted it along with the Ashen, enslaving the high elves and making them her playthings. While King Dihavanor Aalarelai was away with the Varcanai Guard, the kingdom fell to darkness and only a few warriors came to light once their sacred sites were under imminent threat. Heartwood belonged to Saer, which they enclosed within the heart of the Starlight Veil offering it a means of additional protection against the Forsaken Commander and the Ashen. In an attempt to keep the weapon safe, Saer used the remainder of its power to merge Heartwood into the core of the Starlight Veil and save it from the clutches of the Forsaken Commander. This ensured the three warriors spirits lived on within the mystical tree, providing it additional protection against those who dare harm it.     Upon the ending of the War of Faith's, Heartwood was presented to the first Prince of Aethel Caeloria; Varcanai, upon his name day to represent the might and strength of Saer living through the Aalarelai bloodline. It has been passed down to every Prince ever since.


Heartwood is highly significant to the Prince of Aethel Caeloria because it can only be wielded by an elf of the Aalarelai bloodline. The curve of the blades radiates a thin white light when it comes into contact with an elf from the Aalarelai bloodline. Any other who tries to wield Heartwood will burn their hands as the grip is infused with white starlight, which only the Aalarelai bloodline has immunity for.
Heartwood: Heartwood is formerly known to be the Prince of Aethel Caeloria's personal weapons having had them handed down to him on his name day by the reigning King.
These dual short swords can only be wielded by a prince of Aethel Caeloria and radiate a bright white light when they come into contact with someone from the Aalarelai bloodline. This is a defining feature of the blades making them sought after and admired by many, natives and travellers alike.
Creation Date
2999 NE
Destruction Date
Heartwood is the only one of its kind. There are no others compared to it, making it incredibly rare and sought after. The dual short swords are identical and are light in weight making them perfectly balanced while also deadly to any who dare come into contact with it.
2.4 lbs
16.5 inches (length) and 7.5 inches (thickness)
Saer is the initial wielder of Heartwood having used it to protect its sacred site, The Starlight Veil. The blades are made from components of the stream in Aethel Caeloria, which is formerly known as 'Saer' and is one of the kingdoms most used substances/materials, running throughout the city.
Who has wielded Heartwood?
  • Saer: 2999 NE - 900 NE
  • Dihavanor Aalarelai: 900 NE (very briefly wielded it before offering it back to the Starlight Veil's protector; Saer. His son, Varcanai, was too young to wield it).
  • Saer: 900 NE - 10 VO
  • Varcanai Aalarelai: 10 VO - 114 VO.
  • Rhyzeal Aalarelai: 114 VO - 726 VO
  • Eca Aalarelai: 726 VO - 1544 VO
  • Filarion Aalarelai: 1544 VO - 2135 VO
  • Vaeril Aalarelai: 2135 VO - Present.

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Author's Notes

"As a lover of trees, I figured it would be appropriate to make the Prince's weapon tree-related, seeing as the sacred monument of the kingdom is a mystical tree."

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