Flame's Bearing Item in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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Flame's Bearing

The Indistinguishable Flame

C.R. Eede
This section incorporates information relating to the weapon, 'Flame's Bearing' from the myth, 'The Tale of Three Warriors.'

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Details: Flame's Bearing is a four-headed ebony spear made from Rone's substance. The spear is seven feet tall with four curved heads surrounding one long point. Throughout the spear is glistening magma that is cold to the touch and reusable to spark.   Components:
  • Head: There are four heads, which curve out and upwards from the central point attached to the spear's shaft.
  • Point: Needle Point.
  • Blade: Angular Blade.
  • Spine: A thin and faint line running along the heads.
  • Edge: Sharp and double-edged.
  • Tang: The entirety of the spear is made from pure, smooth ebony with a glistening sheen.
  • Shaft: The spear's shaft is made entirely of glossy ebony but has a curved wave running throughout its body, which withholds glistening orange magma (cold to the touch).
  • Strap: Black leather and worn across the shoulders.
  • Indistinguishable Flame: Along the spear's shaft is a glistening orange substance, which is magma. However, it is completely cold to the touch. This magma (in the hands of its wielder) can be ignited and diminished upon the spark of contact with another blade, setting the entire spear alight. Once set, the fire turns into an intense hot inferno. The flame, however, would not affect the wielder, protecting them from the scorching blaze.


Flame's Bearing originates from the myth, 'The Tale of Three Warriors.' Upon the arrival of the Forsaken Commander, Vivaleth, she posed a threat to Rone's sacred site underneath the kingdom, where a well of significance stands. This well was found within the Heavenly Gate. Vivaleth, the Forsaken Commander, had targeted Aethel Caeloria and assaulted it along with the Ashen, enslaving the high elves and making them her playthings. While King Dihavanor Aalarelai was away with the Varcanai Guard, the kingdom fell to darkness, and only a few warriors came to light once their sacred sites were under imminent threat. Flame's Bearing belonged to Rone, which they kept close to them at all times as a means of additional protection against the Forsaken Commander and the Ashen. Even though Rone was later turned into slime, it hardened the slime into a formidable weapon infusing it with magma from the great mountain, which became handy and deadly upon its spark. In an attempt to defeat the Forsaken Commander, Rone ignited Flame's Bearing, creating a devastating inferno throughout the weapon's body, which could be sparked repeatedly at its wielder's hands. It was a flame that never fully diminished, and that was the power of Rone, an indistinguishable flame. However, Vivaleth managed to get past Rone, shattering Flame's Bearing into ten fragmented pieces, lost within the Heavenly Gate where Rone was slain.   Upon the War of Faith's ending, the pieces of Flame's Bearing were lost deep within Heavenly Gate, where the dangerous Vithra reside. To this day, none of the pieces have been located.


Flame's bearing is highly significant to the myth, 'The Tale of Three Warriors.' The four-headed spear is more powerful than any other known spear, giving it the ability to spark a glistening orange flame repeatedly at the behest of the wielder.
Flame's Bearing: Flame's Bearing is the four-headed spear of the warrior, Rone. Rone is best known from the Aethel Caelorian myth, 'The Tale of Three Warriors.'
This spear can only be wielded by Rone. Whoever finds all ten pieces of the broken spear may wield the spear once more, giving it a purpose in the modern age of elves. To do this would be the biggest act of value and worth with the spirit of Rone living on through the wielder.
Creation Date
2999 NE
Destruction Date
10 VO
Flame's bearing is the only one of its kind, making it incredibly rare. Many are curious to know of its existence, searching for the many pieces it was broken into but never succeeding. A mystery for the modern age many call it.
1 - 2 kg
7 feet and the diameter of 2-3cm
Only Rone has wielded Flame's bearing and that was during 2999 NE to 10 VO.

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