Leif Goldthrush Character in Aeterna, Third cycle | World Anvil
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Leif Goldthrush

IWearSillyHats / Austin

Leif Goldthrush

Elven Treesinger

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Right Handed

Apparel & Accessories

My road clothes are fairly heavy and flowing, with folds and sashes in neat places. My work clothes tend to be more spartan as I am relatively single-minded when focused on a task. Would it surprise you if I said I actually tailored both?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Part 1: The Basics

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What is your full name?

Leif Goldthrush… and this is Box.

Where and when were you born?

144 years ago in an enclave near Solaria.

Who are/were your parents?

Possibly better left unspoken, but I’ll elaborate to honor the spirit of these questions. Heldael and Cheliss Goldthrush are my father and mother, respectively. Heldael is the quartermaster for the enclave and Cheliss is a Greentender. They are both quite militant in their beliefs, which is why we… aren’t on speaking terms.

Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

I do, though I haven’t seen them in ages. Thaun is my older half brother and the product of a tryst in our father’s youth. Last I heard, he had converted to some small religion and was preaching to the people of Stormbluff. Then there are the twins, Jeanne and Ambre. They’ve certainly taken claim to the fiery spirit and general xenophobia of our parents, currently active recruiters for the enclave. They travel all of Soluna in the hopes of collecting wayward purebloods to bring into the fold of the enclave, and they are quite skilled from what I’ve heard. I don’t talk to them for similar reasons I don’t speak with my parents.

Where do you live now, and with whom?

As shameful as it is to admit, I’m a bit of a traveler. I’ve picked up quite the skillset during my years in the sun and I feel that traveling is the only way to find the people that could use help the most. I do have my constant companion, Box, so it isn’t all lonely roads and hardships.

What is your occupation?

I’d call myself a bit of an everyman. I think I might have spent time working just about any craft or profession from Voidossa to Helios in my travels. In particular, though, I like to work with wood. So I suppose you could call me a carpenter.

Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

I might be the most plain member of my family, even counting Thaun. I have straight, black hair to about my shoulder and an olive complexion from my time outside. I honestly try to give the friendliest first impressions I can, but I’ve been told my thin eyebrows and dark eyes leave my face in a perpetual frown unless I’m smiling particularly widely. I actually do have a few outfits I keep in my traveling pack. My road clothes are fairly heavy and flowing, with folds and sashes in neat places. My work clothes tend to be more spartan as I am relatively single minded when focused on a task. Would it surprise you if I said I actually tailored both?

To which social class do you belong?

Previously? The enclave’s elite. These days? It really depends on who you ask. Anyone from my family would say I’m a fugitive and possibly work to twist your arm for more information on my whereabouts. Anyone else would probably just assume I’m a vagrant, possibly. Ask me? I’m the richest man in the world, I have a wealth of freedom and Soluna provides. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? Nothing that would hinder me in any serious way, I’m not quite that old yet.

Are you right- or left-handed?

Right handed. I’ve tried to work on using my other hand more, but I’ve not had much luck.

What does your voice sound like?

Serene? I’m not the most excitable individual, and I try to speak evenly and plainly.

What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

I was never much into religion, but I have gotten into the habit of saying “Soluna provides” as a subtle joke at my older brother’s expense..

What do you have in your pockets?

Oh, gosh. I’ve got some carpentry tools on my belt and I’ve made it a habit to carry seeds in excess and I plant them as I travel. Perhaps one day a hungry traveler will be ready to collapse at the roadside and bless the appearance of one of my tomato plants.

Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

I tend to have a lot of energy, but my placid demeanor usually releases it by pacing, or picking at Box, or fidgeting.

Part 2: Growing Up

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How would you describe your childhood in general?

It was fine as childhoods went, though there was always the beliefs of my parents looming overhead. That tends to color things when you look back for something to reminisce. Our household was strict, though that was common in the enclave, and I spent much of my time in training for a position as a Greentender. My only real tastes of the outside world came from my sisters or the wayward souls they brought home with them.

What is your earliest memory?

I have a very vivid memory of myself climbing a tree as a youngling and coming across a recess where several larger trunks met. Water and moss had collected there, and if you looked closely, you could see tadpoles and insects and lizards as they went about their lives. A town in miniature, one that I would return to to observe quite often. I think that's what stoked my initial interest as a Greentender.

How much schooling have you had?

The same education that every child in the enclave had. It wasn't a bad one, as most subjects went, but the bias on topics of history and geography was obvious. Once I managed to leave, I made sure to round out my education with topics from other places.

Did you enjoy school?

I enjoyed learning, but the children were products of their environment amd there wasn't much room for thought that fell outside the norm.

Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

My mother. She is a very skilled Greentender and well respected amongst her peers, though not at the level of a high druid or similar. Still, once I showed interest in the Way of the Green, her life became devoted to bringing me into the fold. Everything else is just a smattering of trades I've picked up over the years and a passion for learning new things.

While growing up, did you have any role models?

If so, describe them. Somewhere out there is an elderly gnome who would be chuckling if he heard me say this, but Dimble Fimblethop. He is one of my greatest and oldest friends, second only to Box, and one of the few responsible for my escape from my parents clutches. These days he spends his time sailing, hoisting all manner of flamboyant flag and wearing all manner of gaudy hats. He is the last surviving member of the Partisans, and his ability to spend his time as he wishes is well deserved.

While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

Getting along with my parents was usually a simple matter of doing what you were told and only what you were told. Thaun was never really around when I was older, but we were good friends as children. I hope to visit him and his flock soon. The twins were a bit of a different story, manipulative predators that they are. I mostly kept my distance from them, but I had to avoid showing weakness when they were unavoidable or they would seize it and make you pay.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I had mentioned my mother grooming me for a position as a Greentender, and technically I am one. I had wanted to be one since my earliest memory, but as I got further along in my training, that came with lessons intended to reinforce their xenophobia. Needless to say, I wasn't a fan. As a child, what were your favorite activities? It's silly, but I rather enjoyed returning to that busy nook in my favorite tree with collections of small plants and other debris. I would arrange this little ecosystem and leave food for the creatures whose entire lives revolved around this small pool.

As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

Honestly, I was a bit of a rascal in my younger years, but that was beaten out of me by my very conservative community. I might let loose every now and again, but my reserved nature is largely due to the strictness of my childhood.

As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

Of course, but for all the wrong reasons. My father's position as the quartermaster gave him significant room for discretion when someone came calling asking for favors. As a result, most of my family tended to be treated well in the hopes that praise for them would make it to the ears of a parent. When and with whom was your first kiss? Ah, I'm sad to say it was just some common lady of the night that Dimble hired as a joke during my first day after escaping the enclave. I'm not sure who was more frightened: me after figuring out what she was up to, or her after I squealed out of fright. Not my proudest moment.

Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

The Partisans were a small, if diverse, group. We had a half-orc woman named Rakkel amongst our number toward the beginning, and I think there was something about my naivety that caught her eye. One thing led to another, and I was raised well enough to not go into more detail. I miss Rakkel, she's been gone for some time now.

If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to explain how I've managed to befriend a tree? One of the first things you are taught when learning the Way of the Green is the presence of minor nature spirits. The wilderness is saturated in spirits and while most aren't intelligent, they are aware, and they observe. I had mentioned that tree with that special noom that I kept returning to as a child? Well over the years, visiting and leaving presents for the residents, I caught the attention of the spirits. I like to think I could tell because of the small changes to things when I would return. Not anything arbitrary like a fallen leaf, but something intentional like a pattern drawn in the moss. Well these spirits collected and coalesced until on my final visit, one of the trunks reached for my hand as I knelt down to deposit a stone I had found. I won't detail the potential horrors that crossed my adolescent mind at the time, but eventually Box tore himself from his mother tree and we became the talk of the Greentenders for a time. He was also the one who gave me the last push I needed to escape with the Partisans when the time came.

Part 3: Past Influences

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What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

Definitely my first meeting with Dimble. I think my contrasting attitude with the xenophobia from the rest of my community is what set me apart. I talked with the group for a time and an offer was extended, to allow me to see more of the world. I took it.

Who has had the most influence on you?

It seems odd to say, being such a simple creature, but Box. I think the relationship I built even before he became animate was a strong lesson in that even small kindnesses can collect and make a huge impact over time. He reinforces that lesson every day.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Escaping from my family? Garnering the attention of a very well behaved treant? No, I think my greatest achievement so far was that raising of a barn near the twilight last fall. That was the longest I had stayed in one place in quite a long time, and it took some effort to bring enough hands on deck to actually build the thing. Now that the community had worked together on such a large project, they had the coordination to establish an effective farming setup. I even think they decided to frame the hole Box put in the wall rather than repair it, to honor us. I couldn't be more proud.

What is your greatest regret?

I don't often think of regret. But when I do, it's often to chastise myself for not telling the *intact* Partisans to consider settling down somewhere peaceful rather than continue the good work. In my mind, I know they wouldn't have listened, but I'll be damned if I wouldn't at least try.

What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

I was an accomplice for a minor bit of arson as a part of the plan to aid in my escape. I cringe at the thought, but I don't think it had gotten out of control to the point that anyone was injured. Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Not officially, though the Goldthrush family largely considers me a fugitive even though I haven't been charged with a crime.

When was the time you were the most frightened?

It was the day Dugal, Rakkel's brother, died. You spend your life looking up to your heroes, thinking they are invincible. Then you learn there are monsters out there and they all have the blood of someone's hero on their hands. There's a troll out there somewhere in the twilight with hands coated in the blood of one of mine. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? My friendship with Dimble has been one long series of embarrassing moments. That said, it may have been the incident with the prostitute on my first night away from home. The squeal I made is still referenced to this day.

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

I might have tried to get out earlier? Definitely after having met Box… but then I likely wouldn't have met the Partisans… In hindsight, I might want to leave it as-is.

What is your best memory?

I had been traveling with the Partisans for a few years, and while Dimble had always had a passion for sailing, he had never owned his own ship. We had an opportunity to “liberate” a boat from some smugglers. Amongst their smuggled goods was a supply of high quality rum and several crates of stolen produce, some of which we claimed for our trouble. A calm sunset out on the water, celebrating a hard fought success, sharing food and drink with the greatest of friends... I can still see the shade of orange on the water.

What is your worst memory?

The day Rakkel died, taken by illness. 50 years old, a ripe old age for someone of orcish descent, but it was the first time I realized that I'd outlive all of my most cherished companions. That prophecy has held true so far, with only Dimble and Box remaining.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

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Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Most might call me an optimist, but the optimism is only for people who don't truly believe that the positive outcomes are likely. I'm a pragmatist that pushes to make these positivities a reality.  

What is your greatest fear?

The day in the distant future that I'll receive a letter telling me Dimble has passed.  

What are your religious views?

Soluna Provides. Religions and gods are ways for folks to put their fates in others hands. I've always sought to push people to action, whether to help themselves or their neighbor. That feels better than hoping for someone else to do it.  

What are your political views?

Politics are just a way to divide people, have them disagree before knowing anything about one another. I prefer communities and building on one another.

What are your views on sex?

I have never had strong desires of that nature, and traveling with Box doesn't exactly excite in that manner.

Are you able to kill?

Given an alternative, I don't think I could. Box has, though that has more to do with his sheer strength rather than any actual taste for it. I try to moderate his behavior in such situations these days. At least when violence is unavoidable. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? I don't dwell on such things often. Killing for the sake of killing? I understand the necessity of self-defense, but hurting just to hurt… it's awful.

Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

Maybe, but to say that there is only one person out there that is perfect for you is a bit pessimistic, isn't it? That once you've found it and lost it, there'll never be love again? I'd hope not.

What do you believe makes a successful life?

You don't need much to be successful. Just leave things in better condition than when you got there. It doesn't mean that you can't aim for more.

How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

I don't often find reason to lie, but I don't exactly wear my heart on my sleeve. I think the best way to do things is lead by example, and being angry or dishonest or whatever is a poor example to set.

Do you have any biases or prejudices?

I've been taught my whole life to distrust outsiders, but once I opened my eyes, I feel the opposite. I feel a significant distrust for my old community and how they hid things and strangers no longer seem like awful bogeymen.

Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Going home. I don't think I could live under someone's thumb like that again. I can't imagine the welcome would be very warm either.

Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

If Dimble came to me with a cause he deemed good enough to be worth risking my life or his, I would.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

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In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

Everyone is equal. This has gotten me in trouble with the aristocracy in the past, but there is no reason to look up or down on someone until they have earned it. I treat everyone with the same respect one might reserve for a new friend.

Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

Box. He has kept me anchored in times of need and has lifted me up when I've felt small.

Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

Thaun. He was bereft the support of our home community and he took it in stride, building a community for himself amongst the religious of Stormbluff. While we might not agree on things philosophically, I certainly respect him for his perserverance.

Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Once upon a time, I had a large group of friends, but those times have passed. These days, my only constant companion is Box. I have people I’d consider friends if I’ve ever come across them again, but the nature of my travels makes that unlikely.

Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

I’ve had romance, but nothing long term.

Have you ever been in love?

Sadly no. I still have quite a few years ahead of me, so there’s still hope!

What do you look for in a potential lover?

A good heart? I suppose I’ll know when I see her.

How close are you to your family?

I’ve mentioned them in a few of the previous questions, but we’re not on speaking terms. Thaun being the exception.

Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?

Does Box count? If not, then no.

Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

I’d hate to stir him from retirement, but Dimble comes to mind in the most dire of situations.

Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

Box and I, we protect each other. He has never hesitated and I hope to live up to his example.

If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

I’m sure there are a number of people who would be sad to see me go. I doubt my family are amongst them. Dimble would surely light a pire in my name and Box would be lost without me.

Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Despise isn’t the right word for it, but I suppose it would be the archdruid of the Greentenders. He is the one fostering the horrible beliefs of my home conclave and by extension every bad thing that has come as a result.

Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I’m definitely non-confrontational. It helps that I’m constantly accompanied by a rather large tree person.

Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

I can offer advice and I like to help coordinate, but I have no real desire to lead.

Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

The number of people doesn’t really matter to me, but their character. I do understand that the larger a crowd gets, the more likely you are to come across a bad apple.

Do you care what others think of you?

To a degree. Do I hope that I’m well liked just as any person would, but would I hold off on helping someone if it meant someone else would like me more? Certainly not.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

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What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

I don’t find time for it as often as I like, but I do rather enjoy cooking. That and I try to find time for tea as often as I can on my travels.

What is your most treasured possession?

I’ve got a simple woven band I keep on my wrist that has a simple trinket on it for each of the Partisans. Nothing extravagant that would catch the eye of a would-be thief, just silly keepsakes like a button, an old buckle, a cork from a certain stolen rum bottle, a shard of metal from a silver coin.

What is your favorite color?

Am I allowed to say tan? Anything in browns, really, but the lighter tones are my favorite.

What is your favorite food?

There’s an old comfort food recipe for a lemongrass soup that I used to make when I’d camp with the rest of the Partisans. I still make it from time to time when I need a reminder of better times.

What, if anything, do you like to read?

I haven’t had an opportunity to in a while, but one of my earlier memories with Dimble is him taking me to a book shop and letting me pick out a few things. I wound up with a pile of cheap adventure novellas. When I’d read them around any of the Partisans, sometimes they would look over my shoulder and point out bits that were inaccurate or make me close the book while they told me a story of a time they did something similar, but MUCH better.  

What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

Any kind of art, whether it be a painting or a performer. It brings people together and I think the mutual enjoyment improves the experience for everyone.

Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

I’ve maybe had a half dozen alcoholic drinks in my lifetime. My vice is a good tea.

How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

“Saturday night” isn’t a very meaningful indicator for me. If you mean to ask what I do on days when I’m not working, then probably cooking or maybe taking a dip in a river or lake. If I’m near a large city, I might seek out a musician to hear something new.

What makes you laugh?

Sometimes when I cook, Box likes to try the leftovers. A six foot tall tree-man standing in a steadily cooling pool of soup is a sight to behold.

What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Most people see Box and talk down to him, which I don’t appreciate. I see to it that those issues are corrected quickly.

What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

Box doesn’t exactly sleep, so I tend to bother him when I’m feeling restless..

How do you deal with stress?

I wind up with a lot of nervous energy, so I fidget, and I cook, and I work.

Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I’m quite spontaneous, which make trips into town burdensome on those who aren’t used to my curiosity.

What are your pet peeves?

Pettiness. I am always surprised by how low a person can stoop to seek a petty revenge.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

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Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted.

The first thing I think of when waking is food, so preparing breakfast is the priority whether I am camping or in town. Once that is handled, the rest of my day is typically in the air. I could go foraging or go searching for locals depending on how full my supplies are. I usually don’t have any problems finding simple work in towns, having experience with most apprentice positions. I’m just aiming to have enough money and supplies to make sure I can get wherever I’m heading next. All this in mind, this is a hard routine to disrupt.

What is your greatest strength as a person?

Unlimited positivity. I try to see the good in people and offer help where others might not.

What is your greatest weakness?

I’ve been called naive on several occasions, and I’ve been tricked just as many times. I won’t let myself fall to cynicism, which is probably just leaving me open to similar treatment.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I might like to stop all of this wandering someday and stay somewhere long enough to create something great.

Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

I am an extrovert, plain as day. I try to get to know the people wherever I go and help where I can. You can’t do any of that without being a little extroverted.

Are you generally organized or messy?

Messy. Things are left however they are set down and only put away when it’s time to get moving.

Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

It's not often one gets to compliment themself. I feel I'm a good listener, sometimes people just want their problems to be heard and I try to be that outlet. I'm also a relatively quick learner, though I don't think I've found a subject I'm passionate enough about to make an attempt at mastering it. I'm also a pretty good cook from what I've been told, but I think that's largely due to my pickiness when it comes to ingredients. What am I bad at? Lying for one. I understand the value of a small fib to keep the peace, but the twins are casual manipulators and I don't want to follow in their footsteps. I'm a bit of a pacifist, and that means I haven't really gotten much practice in an altercation. Most of my weapon training came from my time in the enclave, so I am a bit rusty. The last, I suppose, is being alone. I've been in good company for quite a long time and the instances I can remember where I was truly alone have been miserable.

Do you like yourself?

I do. I think I prefer the glimmering outline of the person I want to be that lies at the end of this path that I'm traveling. But I can be content with myself for the time being.

What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)?Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I'm no hero, and I'm only an adventurer in the most exaggerated stretch of the word. I do want to be a person that sets a good example for others. There are a lot of folks out there on the precipice of desperation that could easily tip their lives toward wrongdoing. I'd like to be the thought that crosses their minds and inspires them to take the path of kindness instead..

What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?

I've always enjoyed making things, and I think I'd like to build a home somewhere, someday. But what good is a home without a community? Maybe if I can find enough people of a similar disposition, I could start a settlement?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Still traveling, most likely. Maybe I would follow in Dimble's footsteps and take up sailing? Until then, I go where the wind takes me.

If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I would die in a hammock hanging from a fruit tree on a hill overlooking a sleepy hamlet in the spring with the smell of breakfast on the wind.

If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

I would write a letter to Dimble, asking him to send someone to take care of Box. Maybe he'd come himself? I don't exactly have much in the way of resources to give away, but I'd likely just wile away my last hours in good company. 24 hours is the blink of an eye in the greater scheme of things.

What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

I'd like to be remembered for the positive changes I've made in other's lives. If I've fed a hungry man and he went on to do good in the world, I'd hope someone would take a lesson from that.

What three words best describe your personality?

Serene, patient, welcoming.

What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Narrow, quiet, friendly?

If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

Honestly, Leif, I think you have the right idea for how to go about life. But from the looks of it, things are about to liven up and lines are going to be crossed. You can't hesitate if something important is at risk and as a PC you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Be excellent.


What are your views on sex?

I have never had strong desires of that nature, and traveling with Box doesn't exactly excite in that manner.


Began with decent but biased education, rounded in later years


Everyman, traveler

Accomplishments & Achievements

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Escaping from my family? Garnering the attention of a very well behaved treant? No, I think my greatest achievement so far was that raising of a barn near the twilight last fall. That was the longest I had stayed in one place in quite a long time, and it took some effort to bring enough hands on deck to actually build the thing. Now that the community had worked together on such a large project, they had the coordination to establish an effective farming setup. I even think they decided to frame the hole Box put in the wall rather than repair it, to honor us. I couldn't be more proud.

Failures & Embarrassments

What is your greatest regret?

I don't often think of regret. But when I do, it's often to chastise myself for not telling the *intact* Partisans to consider settling down somewhere peaceful rather than continue the good work. In my mind, I know they wouldn't have listened, but I'll be damned if I wouldn't at least try.

Personality Characteristics


I've always enjoyed making things, and I think I'd like to build a home somewhere, someday. But what good is a home without a community? Maybe if I can find enough people of a similar disposition, I could start a settlement?

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Likes & Dislikes

Likes And Dislikes

What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? I don’t find time for it as often as I like, but I do rather enjoy cooking. That and I try to find time for tea as often as I can on my travels.

What is your most treasured possession? I’ve got a simple woven band I keep on my wrist that has a simple trinket on it for each of the Partisans. Nothing extravagant that would catch the eye of a would-be thief, just silly keepsakes like a button, an old buckle, a cork from a certain stolen rum bottle, a shard of metal from a silver coin.

What is your favorite color? Am I allowed to say tan? Anything in browns, really, but the lighter tones are my favorite.

What is your favorite food? There’s an old comfort food recipe for a lemongrass soup that I used to make when I’d camp with the rest of the Partisans. I still make it from time to time when I need a reminder of better times.

What, if anything, do you like to read? I haven’t had an opportunity to in a while, but one of my earlier memories with Dimble is him taking me to a book shop and letting me pick out a few things. I wound up with a pile of cheap adventure novellas. When I’d read them around any of the Partisans, sometimes they would look over my shoulder and point out bits that were inaccurate or make me close the book while they told me a story of a time they did something similar, but MUCH better.

What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? Any kind of art, whether it be a painting or a performer. It brings people together and I think the mutual enjoyment improves the experience for everyone.

Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? I’ve maybe had a half dozen alcoholic drinks in my lifetime. My vice is a good tea.

How do you spend a typical Saturday night? “Saturday night” isn’t a very meaningful indicator for me. If you mean to ask what I do on days when I’m not working, then probably cooking or maybe taking a dip in a river or lake. If I’m near a large city, I might seek out a musician to hear something new.

What makes you laugh? Sometimes when I cook, Box likes to try the leftovers. A six foot tall tree-man standing in a steadily cooling pool of soup is a sight to behold.

What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Most people see Box and talk down to him, which I don’t appreciate. I see to it that those issues are corrected quickly. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? Box doesn’t exactly sleep, so I tend to bother him when I’m feeling restless..

How do you deal with stress? I wind up with a lot of nervous energy, so I fidget, and I cook, and I work.

Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? I’m quite spontaneous, which make trips into town burdensome on those who aren’t used to my curiosity.

What are your pet peeves? Pettiness. I am always surprised by how low a person can stoop to seek a petty revenge.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vice: A good Tea


Contacts & Relations

  • Le'ishal Enclave , not friendly
  • The Partisans


Family Ties

  • Father: Heldael
  • Mother: Cheliss
  • Sisters: Jeanne and Ambre

  • Half Brother: Thaun, lives in Stormbluff

Social Aptitude

Nieve and easily tricked, anti-cynical

Hobbies & Pets

Woodworking, planting seeds at random, caring for Box (Treant)


Leif Goldthrush

Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Thaun Goldthrush



Thaun Goldthrush

Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Leif Goldthrush




watcher (Trivial)

Towards Leif Goldthrush



Leif Goldthrush

followed (Important)

Towards Tiraxis




Tiraxis saved Leif Goldthrush from Vurich Mansfeild in the Black Keep.

Loyalties: Good, Family, Nature
Current Location
Year of Birth
9855 AE 144 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to the Quartermaster and a Greentender of the Le'ishal Enclave on the borders of Solaria
The Le'ishal Enclave On the northern borders of Solaria
Current Residence
Straight, shoulder length, black
Quotes & Catchphrases
Soluna provides
Known Languages
Light Common, Elven

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