Dartberg Woods Geographic Location in Aesarus | World Anvil
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Dartberg Woods


Dartberg Woods is in the process of being cut down by the Woodpine lumbering organizations. This process has created large patches of barren flat lands. While the land does have rolling hills, they are far in between, with the fresh water mostly polluted by the mining expeditions for coal and steel. The rivers here often lead through the Woodpine city and head further south towards the desert region. However, it would be safe to say, that the industrial revolution has removed the beauty of this land. The patches of trees left are often unhealthy and untamed, and the blasting heat increases the misery level for anyone traveling through. It would be safe to say that in the future, Dartberg Woods could cease to exist if the rate of deforestation kept the same.

Fauna & Flora

Dartberg Woods supports the standard woodland creatures found in any given forest, except the main difference would be the crystal golems discovered during the beginning of the deforestation process. These monsters only pose a danger to the Woodpine residents and not to the native creatures. Likewise, dire beasts can be found, which are large version of the normal animals. The most common version are the dire wolves that roam between the edge of the first and to the city, hunting those who dare to travel on foot. Because of these dangers, most people rely on the Woodpine for safe travels.


Other than native animals, Dartberg Woods suffers from an abundance of bandits and goblins that frequently attempt to stop the Woodpine train. It's rare for anyone to travel through the woods without facing one of these threats. It has been rumored that dragons lurk within the woods, but this has not been confirmed or denied. Dartbert also supports the growth of silver flowers often used in healing potions.

An important plant to note for Dartbert Woods would be the silver flowers often used in healing potions. These flowers have became increasingly more rare due to humanoid activity.

Natural Resources

  • Lumber
  • Natural Animals
  • Crystals
  • Metal Deposits
  • Silver flowers used for healing


  • Dartberg Woods Map
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