Zalma Settlement in Aerune | World Anvil


Zalma is the nominal capitol of the island of Molthuth, located in the island's northeast sweep of coastal cliffs. Those who have never visited Molthuth would think of it as a city, but in truth, it looks and functions more like a permanent grassroots militia encampment. Buildings are many and small, tucked into the slopes of mountains or into the hollows of inland valleys; homes and workspaces alike are built with a combination of cob walls and sod roofs, thick and squat and aggressively staunch in the face of the perpetual high winds of the island's near-constant storms.   Zalma is the largest population of tieflings on the island, but even that isn't more than a fifteen hundred residents, give or take a few hundred with visitors from other Molthuth settlements. It has two governors with equal political power and very different jurisdictions: one focuses on domestic matters of food, education, trade across the island, and physical security for people and properties alike, while the other gazes always to the storm-torn heavens in defense of the world.  


Molthuth itself is relatively small but politically and culturally distinct from its nearest neighbors. It crouches to the north-east of Elomawan, hardly reachable across the Reef of Tears--so named for how often it renders the passage lethal. There are no welcoming ports for those few ships that survive the crossing, either; the tieflings that call Molthuth home guard it against all comers, no matter how diplomatic or possibly lucrative.   The fierce defense of their home is understandable, for Molthuth is the only place in Aerune where the sky is torn by ragged gashes that give shifting, ephemeral glimpses into other planes of existence. The eternal storm over Molthuth has ravaged the land with extraplanar energies, particularly elemental ones, and permanently deformed the residents into plane-touched tieflings. No mortals from Aerune may be granted access to the chaos of the planar rifts, just as no entities may pass through Molthuth to reach the rest of Aerune.

Cover image: by Joel Filipe via Unsplash