Synin, The Raven Spirit Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Synin, The Raven Spirit

The Fallen Ruler


A Spirit of Chaos, born from the darkest depths of Torrin's psyche. Synin manifested himself as a ghostly, almost skeletal raven, seeking knowledge not for the beauty of learning, but for control over others. Legend says he was the one to defy the border between life and death, bringing his fallen followers back to life after being killed in battle. In the year 204, Torrin's Chosen at the time, Olivia of Talonscire, managed to defeat him in battle, only her journal remaining to tell her tale. The journal describes him turning into some sort of orb, and it's theorized he is merely dormant. As the centuries passed, his name pretty much vanished from the people's minds, only remaining as some sort of scary story to put misbehaving children to sleep.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A raven's skull

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge separates the strong from the weak.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bringing the entirety of Aerith to their knees, exploiting weaknesses and taking advantage of anyone in his path to become the ruling Spirit.


Synin, The Raven Spirit

Chaos (Important)

Towards Torrin, The Owl Spirit



Torrin, The Owl Spirit

Order (Vital)

Towards Synin, The Raven Spirit



Divine Classification
Spirit of Chaos
Year of Death

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