The Great Wall Settlement in Aerilon | World Anvil
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The Great Wall

Along the Demon-spine Mountains rests a great wall, built long ago but maintained by the Gruul Clans, and more recently by the Boros Legion. Here the Gruul roam, ever vigilant of further encroachments. The Demons are for the most part confined to Karraka, escaping south only via passing the complex passageways underneath the Demon-spine Mountains, named 'the Labyrinth'. In recent times, there have been an increase in foul monsters from over the Demon-spine, it seems to be concentrated in the centre-east of the Great Wall, and the Gruul believe that the labyrinth magic is failing, or that the denizens of Karraka have managed to bore through the magical seals. They believe it spells the end for Aerilon if not stopped, but few other guilds heed their words, apart from the Boros Legion of course.    
Tensions between the Gruul and Boros remain - the Gruul here set up camps wherever they please, whereas Boros camps can be seen ordered at strategic points along the wall. There is one main camp, named Alpha Camp which has the only permanent magical teleportation circle, and where the leaders of the Boros and Gruul plan their campaign against Karraka.
There is farmable land south of the wall, and in fact there are more permanent Gruul residences than anywhere else in Bedrogua, for they need to feed the armies that wage war against Karraka. Boros Legion troops still file in from Ruchiador by ship, land and teleportation circle.    

Notable People

  • Vauduu;
  • Borborygmos;
  • Durcuz;
  • Marshall Arryl;
  • Corporal Fisher;
  • Seargent Brienne;
  • Sigman Daltora;
Military, Base

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