Aluxis Vinstrad Character in Aerilon | World Anvil
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Aluxis Vinstrad

Approximately two centuries ago, Aluxis caused a great scandal by leaving the height of Izzet League science to become a Simic Combine Researcher, here he began to merge the two sciences to allegedly attempt to achieve his own immortality, along with the added bonus of being away from Niv-Mizzetr’s prying eyes. He advanced Simic sciences quite substantially in his time, and some argue that he was the beginning of their ambitious plans that ultimately had them banished to Treiyan by the nations of Aerilon. However, one day he and some of his devout followers went on an expedition to the Mortarcliffe Mountains that they did not return from.   The The Guild Pact found Aluxis inside his lab, trapped in stasis within a metal suit near the Monastary of the Distressed Body. It eventuated that Aluxis found this place on his final expedition. Originally it was a floating island, from the Warped Lands which had survived the split, and travelled eastwards. Unfortunately it had not survived by much, and was landed in the mountain for the people to return to and fix one day. Unfortunately that day never came, and it is suspected that they left their past behind to join the new settlers of Aerilon. When Aluxis found the floating city drive, a Sphynx had already set up shop, and everyone of the expedition was killed except for himself, he saved the brains of his companions and gave them a semblance of life, and upgraded the Sphynx with one rule - learn and don’t let anyone fly in the Caldera. Aluxis only wanted knowledge (and peace) and was captivated by the Monastary of the Distressed Body and the remnants of the Warped Lands and turned the place into his own laboratory/city complex. With his own curiosity he opened a gate spell to the demonic plane, and three bone devils jumped through, Aluxis killed one and had to flee the others. Aluxis was creating a metal suit to protect himself when he retook the monastery but in his preparation he became trapped in stasis.   Since the The Guild Pact saved him, Aluxis has restored his original disciple's brains to automaton bodies similar to his own suit, and has been doing sporadic research for the Guild Pact. Most recently he was given the Sword of Syndali for safekeeping, along with a keg of black powder to experiment with.


Contacts & Relations

Was seemingly once in an adventuring party with Mayor Erskine of Safe Haven.

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