Human Species in Aereon | World Anvil
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By far the most prosperous and numerous of the sentient races, Humans are renown for their versatility and adaptability. Standing between 1.5 to 1.8 metres, and weighing 55 to 85 kilograms on average, humans have a diverse range of heights, weights, and skin, hair and eye colours, depending on the region from which their ancestors originate.   This diversity also extends to their cultures, with humans having spread out across <AEREON>, colonising many lands that other races would consider ill-suited for settlement. Prominent human cultures include Aurelian, Thulian (or Northerner), Thalazhian, and <Southerners>.  


Humans have a diverse range of heights, weights, and body shapes, averaging between 1.5 to 1.8 metres, and weighing 55 to 85 kilograms. Human skin colours also differ greatly, from pale white skin of Northerns to the dark brown or almost black of traders from the Far South, with a wide range of tans and browns in between. Their hair and eye colours are similarly as varied, with hair colours ranging from black, brown, or a range of blonds and reds, and eyes most often coloured brown, blue or hazel.   Human attire can vary greatly depending on the environment, resources available and society in which they reside, from simple, purposeful clothing to lavish and ostentatious formal wear, or anything in between.  


With their versatility and adaptability humans have been able build, and in many cases prosper, in regions and environments otherwise considered unsuitable by the other sentient races. This has resulted in a wide, diverse spread of human societies across the <AEREON> region, each one with their own unique cultures and beliefs. Humans are generally tolerant of other races, beliefs and foreign cultures, usually adapting some of those aspects into their own society given enough time.

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