Jabbat Tradition / Ritual in Aerda | World Anvil
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Jabbat is a coming-of-age ritual performed by many tribes living in the Ebras Mountains. This ritual dates back to ancient times and is held in high esteem to those that practice it. It is observed precisely 3 months before the participants 18th birthday, and lasts for 3 months, ending on their 18th birthday. During those 3 months, the boy must leave his community and live on his own in the mountains successfully. In order to fully complete Jabbat, the participant must complete these things without the help from another person:     1. Live alone in the mountains for 3 months.   2. They must travel at least 100 kilometers away from their community   3. They are expected to find food, make shelters, fashion tools and weapons, and craft their own clothing using only what they can find naturally.   4. The must in that time, show that they are capable of caring for themselves and keep themselves healthy.     However, there are some stipulations of what the particpant cannot do. These include:     1. They must not travel with another person.   2. They cannot leave the mountains and travel to a local village or city   3. They cannot ask for any kind of help from neighbouring villages or communities   4. They may only take 1 weeks worth of food and no more (this will be approved by the village Sahn before they leave)   5. They may not take any kind of pre-made tools or weapons when the leave (this rule varies depending on where in the Ebras they are from)   6. They may not return before the 3 months are complete.     After the 3 months have been completed and the young boy returns, the Sahn will examine the boy and see if he has kept in good health. If he is approved, then he will be asked to demonstrate some of the skills he would have acquired while on the Jabbat. This includes skinning an animal for its hide, making a fire and cooking the meat over it, rope making, tool-making, and weapon making. Once the boy has proven that can make use of these skills, he is considered an responsible and respected adult man by the community. The next evening, the village celebrates with a feast and dance. everyone in the community takes parts. It's not uncommon for the man to find a wife at this feast, however, it's not an expectation, nor is it part of Jabbat.


Jabbat began in ancient times when young boys wanted to prove that they were old enough to be respected as men in certain tribes living in the Ebras mountains. Since then, there have been many rules and stipulations that have been added to either help protect the boy from an untimely death, or to encourage them to be resourceful and think on their feet. There have been many tribes that contest the humanity of Jabbat, claiming that it's cruel and unnecessary, while others live by it and claim that it's vital for a young boy in order to enter manhood. This alone has caused many disputes and rivalries between certain mountain tribes.

Components and tools

When a young boy departs for Jabbat, he is only allowed to take with him enough supplies for 1 week. This includes food and clothing. However, they must not take with them and kind of tool or weapon (this rule varies depending on where in the Ebras region they are from). They are also restricted from taking any kind of shelter with them, this includes a tent.


young boys who are on the precipice of becoming men and recognized adults within the community are the only people who are allowed to complete Jabbat. They must do it alone and without help from anyone.


Jabbat is observed 3 months before the participant turns 18, regardless of what the current season is. Sometimes this can make Jabbat very difficult, for instance, if their birthday is in the middle of winter.
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