Other Races Species in Aeleon | World Anvil
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Other Races

Other races are rare within society and adventuring groups. This is a reality of the culture and politics of this world. While society is very accepting of those within the core set of races, all other intelligent races are viewed with open hostility. It is not uncommon for mobs of people, usually led by priests of the Three, to drive out or kill members of other races who enter one of the major cities. Even powerful adventuring parties who have a Suli, Tabaxi or Tiefling among them members would do well to avoid any of the more civilized areas. That said, people from small villages on the frontiers are usually more tolerant, though never friendly.   This disregard for other races even goes so far as to affect knowledge regarding them. The academic study of any other races is expressly forbidden by the Three. Stories that include other races must be altered to exclude them. This has effects on skills, feats and class features regarding knowledge of such creatures.   The play of other races as PCs should consider the current political realities of this world as explained elsewhere. GMs and players will need to talk through how such races will work in gameplay. And players should expect their character to face social penalties if they choose other races.

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