Orcs Species in Aeleon | World Anvil
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The orcs are divided into two groups, the wild orcs and the civilized orcs. As with the WoodSinger elves, many of the orcs have chosen to leave their wild and warlike past behind and take up civilized paths in society. They are largely accepted by the other races and many hold positions of power and influence among the various governments and trade guilds across the world. Even among the scholarly circles and universities there a number of highly respected orcs demonstrating great knowledge and wisdom.   The term “wild orcs” is a bit of a misnomer. As with the civilized orcs, these have left behind the base evil and cruel parts of their original heritage if not entirely the violent parts. They have taken upon themselves a lifestyle of honor and combat, holding that honor to be more important than anything else. Most of these wild orc tribes live along the borders between the civilized kingdoms and the Inner Wilds. They are generally welcomed by most of those kingdoms and in most cases formal treaties or contracts have been signed to the effect that those kingdoms pay the wild orc tribes to guard their borders against the wild hordes of the lands of the Inner Wilds.

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