San Maeg Mountains Geographic Location in Aegoris | World Anvil
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San Maeg Mountains

The San Maeg Mountains is a massive mountain range splitting [Enter World] into two halves, Eastern and Western [Enter World]. Inside the range contains many (Dwarvern Mines) made by the (Mountain Dwarfs) thousands of years ago. The San Maeg is also home to many creatures, such as Orcs, (Draidaes), and the Titan Drabbek the Earthsplitter.


The land in the San Maeg is very rocky with sharp edges and points sticking out everywhere. Not many larges plants grow here, just small bushes and flowers that are eventually trampled or eaten. There are about 117 unique mountains, all at varying levels of height and steepness. At the top is (Mount Minneval), the largest mountain in all of [Enter World], standing at a whopping 84,284 feet or 25,689 meters tall.

Fauna & Flora

Plants are very scarce in the mountain range as there is not much fertile soil in the area. Small plants struggle to grow under the feet of constant wanderers and animals, and those that survive are eventually eaten for food. All that survives are small shrubs and bushes with a few flowers here or there, and it is said that the flowers in the range are the most beautiful in the world. Too bad they are very rare...   The fauna in the San Maeg Range is also scarce and travel in small groups. You can see passive creatures such as (Kadvers), (Lambits), and (Erots) grazing on the few patches of flowers and bushes, while predators like (Draidaes) and (Lelleaves) roam the valleys looking for their next meals. Watch out for these creatures, as they are not very friendly towards adventurers like you and are known for attacking passers.

Natural Resources

The natural resources in the San Maeg mountains are very limited on the surface, but are very rich and plentiful as you dig into the heart of the mountains. Resources like (Bisnite), (Cobarge), and (Autialite) are common to about 1,000 feet or 304 meters below the surface while rarer stones like (Jenoclase) and (Agrezonite) are much deeper and are only obtainable in mass mining sites like the (Dwarvern Mines) in the northern San Maeg.
Mountain Range
Related Ethnicities

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